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【zhifang】【双语听读】This is Xinzheng in Zhengzhou 这里是郑州·新郑

第 742nd article 742号双语推文

photo : sun chunk ai

nb : this may not be a word-for-word transcript .

新正has ranked first in The province ' s overall evaluation of county economic development quality for years,And has won first place for eight and the integration of strengthening counties and enriching the people . Xinzheng out strips every counter part in the province in the number of cof cof


these impressive achievements are strong evidence of Xinzheng ' s high-quality development,Building up its potential to become no . 1 in chinning



Photo: Wang Zhifang

Xinzheng plans to build a 6.7-square-kilometer electronic information industrial park. It has set up the province's first sewage treatment plant specialized for the electronic information industry, and has invested 22.461 billion yuan into 15 electronic information projects including the Hefengtai Display Module, Huasmart, Rigger Micro Technology, and Weisi Dike. In 2020, the city's electronic information industry received investments totaling 3 billion yuan, recorded an output value of 1 billion yuan, and paid 20 million yuan in taxes.


The Huangdi Romance Park offering large-scale live-action performances in Longhu Town in the north of Xinzheng has been a flagship of the cultural tourism industry in Zhengzhou. Relying on its cultural brand as the hometown of the Yellow Emperor, Xinzheng has launched a range of high-level cultural tourism projects, including the Xuanyuan Night Tour Valley which is under construction. As the Worship Ceremony for the Yellow Emperor continues to be held each year, Xinzheng has been a spiritual home to countless Chinese descendants across the world.


Photo: Yang Yijin

While fostering the electronic information and high-end cultural tourism industries, Xinzheng City is also actively developing an industrial system, where the electronic information, health food, and high-end commerce and logistics sectors are prioritized, and biomedicine, intelligent equipment manufacturing, and high-end cultural tourism are emerging, featuring a coordinated progress.


First-class industries require first-class services. In recent years, Xinzheng has continuously improved its business-friendly services in three key aspects – government procurement, investment promotion, and talent strategy – to leave market players more satisfied and content. It's getting much closer to its goal of creating the best business environment in the country.


Photo: Yang Yijin, Gao Pei

The goal of development is to improve people's lives. In the past five years, Xinzheng has invested a total of 39.4 billion yuan into enhancing public welfare programs, 2.3 times that of the "12thFive-Year Plan" period. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has increased by 10,056 yuan and 7,765 yuan respectively since 2015, and the urban-rural income ratio has decreased from 1.56:1 in 2015 to 1.48:1 in 2020. A total of 155 primary schools, secondary schools and kindergartens have been built, renovated and expanded, providing an additional 102,000 seats for enrollment, with record-high investment into expanding the scale of education. The Public People's Hospital of Xinzheng has also opened for service. Passenger vehicles with Henan A-series license plates registered in Xinzheng may drive toll free on expressways within Zhengzhou. The government's efforts for the public good have won widespread praise from the public.


The livelihood improvement has also improved the social culture. Up to now, there are more than 50,000 volunteers and 285 civilized units, townships, villages and schools in Xinzheng City. With all its townships being rated civilized at the city level, Xinzheng was nominated as the first-place National Civilized City (county-level) in Henan Province.


Photo: Yang Yijin, Gao Pei

This is Xinzheng, an inspiring city!


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2.《【zhifang】【双语听读】This is Xinzheng in Zhengzhou 这里是郑州·新郑》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。






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