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TuneGO Provides a Musician-Friendly Platform To Revolutionize the Way Chinese Musicians Share Their Music



The Chinese music industry is embarking on a new era. Not only is China expected to be the fastest growing music economy over the next few years, but the digital revolution has created a new environment for Chinese musicians to gain national and international exposure through streaming services.


TuneGO® Inc., a music technology platform that connects musicians with the music industry and a global community of fans, launched Distro100 this month through its TuneGO China division based in Shenzhen. A groundbreaking, musician-friendly music distribution platform, Distro100 allows Chinese musicians to gain widespread attention by providing global distribution of their music to the world’s top streaming services like TenCent, NetEase, Alibaba, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Pandora and many more.


What makes TuneGO’s Distro100 unique is the opportunity for musicians to retain their rights and keep 100 percent of the royalties without any up-front or back-end fees – a relatively new concept for most Chinese musicians.


“When we realized that there were no established distribution platforms for Chinese musicians to get their music on the all of the top streaming and download platforms like TenCent, NetEase and Alibaba, we knew that our turnkey service could help fill a big void in the Chinese music market,” said TuneGO co-founder and CEO, John Kohl.

“我们意识到中国音乐人没有任何完整体系的流媒体数字音乐发行和下载平台帮助他们连接腾讯音乐、网易云音乐和阿里虾米音乐。我们的关键性服务会在中国音乐市场填补巨大空白”。TuneGO联合创始人/CEO John Kohl如是说。

Kohl believes one of the greatest challenges Chinese musicians face today is attaining global distribution while protecting their music rights and collecting worldwide music royalties. With Distro100, Kohl says musicians will be able to combat this challenge by sharing their songs on some of the largest digital music platforms in the world, without sacrificing rights or royalties.


Distro100, which is now available to Chinese musicians at www.Di, is leading the way in amplifying musician’s voices in the global music community. “Music, more than ever, is a global endeavor but it is not easy to get your music on some of the more popular music platforms. TuneGO’s mission is to simplify the business of music and help give content creators a chance to shine who would otherwise go unnoticed,” added Henry Sun, founder of Reach China and President of TuneGO China.

中国音乐人可以通过www.Di网站试用Distro100这种领先的平台,在全球音乐社区放大自己的声音。“音乐产业在全球范围得到重视,但是想在更大更受欢迎的平台上推广自己的音乐却不那么容易。TuneGO的使命就是简化音乐生意,给内容创作者一个展示自己的绝佳机会,而不是让自己的作品石沉大海。”Reach China创始人/TuneGO中国总裁Henry Sun说。

So how does Distro100 work?


Musicians create a free account at www.Di and submit as many songs as they’d like. The music is then distributed to digital music platforms in China and abroad. To monitor the success of their songs, artists will have access to fan-related data including streaming and download activity reports.

音乐人在www.Di 上免费注册账户,可以无限量的提交歌曲。作品会在中国和国外的数字音乐平台上发布。艺人可以通过流媒体播放和下载量等乐迷互动数据,随时掌握自己作品的受欢迎程度。

“Musicians shouldn’t have to be concerned the intricacies of the music industry but rather focused on the music they are creating. We help take the business side of things out of the equation for musicians, allowing them the confidence in knowing that they’re on the right path toward growing their careers and earning the money they have rightfully worked hard for,” said Sun.


A Distro100 account will also help musicians leverage their digital success, as the streaming data collected from the digital stores will be utilized to identify content for playlists and sync licensing opportunities.


“In today’s music industry content creators are not just looking for distribution, they are also looking to get their music on playlists and licensed, both of which generate more income for musicians and create exposure for their music,” said Kohl. “And TuneGO can do it all.”


翻译整理 by 沈衍Jason

现场活动照片 by 懒龙超清LDE老孙







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