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When you come with wind and rain,I cannot avoid it . you are out of order for four seasons,and I am ill for a long time当你来的时候,随身带着风雨,我无法避免。


I have walked through all things in the world and never panicked, but when you came back from the mountains and rivers, we were in great disorder.我迈过世间万物,从不慌张,唯独你涉尽山水归来那刻,我方寸大乱。

I sell dusks in the world just to collect the tenderness of the world to see you.我在人间贩卖黄昏,只为收集世间温柔去见你。

Want to wait for the stars to replace the sunset, the bright moon falls into the night sky, the breeze and dawn, take a "good night" for me to convey to you.想等繁星取代落日,皓月坠入夜空,托微风和黎明,替我捎上一句‘晚安’转交你。

"If I should see you,after long year.How should I greet?With tears,with silence.''假若他日相逢,我将以何贺你?以眼泪,以沉默。

l am not very ambi just want to be your world.野心不大,只想做你的天下。

If I end up being the one walking away. I want you to know that it wasn't because I stopped loving you, but because you stopped loving me.如果我最终成为了离开的那个人,我想让你知道,不是因为我不爱你了,而是因为你不再爱我了。 ​

Have there been a struggle heart, knowing that can not forget, but I still hope that I can 有没有过一种挣扎的心情,明知道忘不了,但还是希望自己可以释怀。 ​

Go and see that person you want to see - whilst the sunlight is still bright and the wind is calm, whilst you're still young and he's not yet old. 去见你想见的人吧, 趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁你还年轻,趁他还未老。

If one day you would say you are still loving me,I will tell you I have been waiting for you actually. 如果有一天你说还爱我,我会告诉你,其实我一直在等你。

How long will your love last, as long as the stars above you are still shining 对你的爱会持续多久,只要你头顶的星星依然闪烁。

If the person you like doesn't like you ,wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you.如果你喜欢的人不喜欢你,那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你,还是会觉得孤独吧。









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