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【奥运奖牌榜东京】每日一篇英语阅读 Day160 | 东京奥会奖牌标准灵活,不是第一制造第一


Yahoo | Yahoo Sports | 东京奥会奖牌标准灵活,不是第一制造第一

Sorry, America: China's leading the real Olympic medal count  对不起,美国:中国是真正的奥运奖牌数领跑者(节选)


 China is kicking the United States' tail (at least for now) in these Olympics, although you wouldn’t know it if you just scanned the medal tables in the American media.


In an unexplained yet (apparently) nationally accepted counting method, Americans tally the standings not by what country wins the most golds, but what country wins the most total medals.



1、In an unexplained yet (apparently) nationally accepted counting method


NBC. New York Times. Washington Post. Alas, even Yahoo Sports. This is, to be clear, ridiculous.

大意:美国全国广播公司(National Broadcasting Company,NBC)、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报。唉,即使是雅虎体育也是如此。说白了,这很可笑。


That means China’s current tally of 32 golds, 21 silvers and 16 bronzes (69 total) is somehow not as good as the United States’ 25 golds, 29 silvers and 21 bronzes (75 total). Try telling China’s seven extra gold medalists that their victories didn't matter.

大意:这意味着中国目前的 32 枚金牌、21 枚银牌和 16 枚铜牌(共 69 枚)在某种程度上不如美国的 25 枚金牌、29 枚银牌和 21 枚铜牌(共 75 枚)。试着告诉中国额外的七名金牌得主,他们的胜利并不重要。(2021.08.05日数据)

What in the name of participation trophies is going on here?



2、in the name of  

①by authority of  以…的权力;得到…许可

open in the name of the law   以法律的名义开放

② for the reason of : using the excuse of  以……为借口、理由

called for reforms in the name of progress  以进步的名义呼吁改革

3、trophy/'trəʊfɪ/  n. an asset that brings praise or renown  奖品;战利品;纪念品

The rest of the world favors gold over everything. That’s how the International Olympic Committee tallies it. Same with the medal standing on the Toyko 2020 website. It’s good enough for media companies all over the world, just not in the U.S. apparently.

大意:世界其他地方对金牌的青睐胜过一切。国际奥委会也是按照金牌数量排列排行榜的。这种标准与Toyko 2020 网站上的奖牌相同。这对全世界的媒体公司来说已经足够好了,只是在美国显然不行。


4、tally/'tælɪ/   vt. to gain (as points or runs in a game) as credit towards one's total number of points 计算;记录;使符合   n. 标签;记账;计数器

e.g.  Our team tallied three runs in that inning. 我队在那一局中得三分。

Everyone else has this right since, quite literally, gold is better than the others. It’s a simple concept.


Gold. Silver. Bronze.


The gold medalist gets the highest spot on the podium. The flag of the country that the gold medalist represents is raised higher than the others. They play the anthem of the gold medalist, not the others.



5、podium/'pəʊdɪəm/   n. a level usually raised surface  领奖台;乐队指挥台;矮墙;墩座墙

6、gold medalist  金牌得主

champion   冠军

first runner-up 、silver medalist  亚军、银牌得主

second runner-up、bronze medalist   季军、铜牌得主

winner、victor、conqueror  得胜者,获胜者

There is no subtlety here. There is no room for interpretation. At no point was it ever suggested that the three spots are equals. If they were, then they’d just hand out three gold medals.


Instead, back at the 1904 Games — held in St. Louis, no less — they came up with the concept of three colored medals. Everyone loved it. Prior to that the winner received a silver medal and an olive branch while the runner-ups each got a bronze or copper medal and a laurel branch.

大意:相反,回到 1904 年在圣路易斯(St. Louis)举行的奥运会上,他们提出了三色奖牌的概念。每个人都喜欢这个提议。在此之前,获胜者获得银牌和橄榄枝花环,而亚军则分别获得青铜牌或纯铜牌和月桂枝花环。


7、no less   表示强调某事让人惊讶 used to emphasize that something is regarded as impressive or surprising

e.g. He wants to be driven to the airport, in a limousine no less. 他想要坐豪华轿车去机场。

Peter cooked dinner—fillet steak and champagne, no less. 彼得居然做出了饭——里脊扒和香槟酒。

8、olive branch  橄榄枝

laurel branch  月桂枝




    美剧中,警察被称为cop,相当于中文里的“条子”。cop是copper的简称,从前警察的制服用的是铜扣(copper button),所以人们就用copper来指代警察。


      bronze,意为青铜,像古文物中的青铜器、青铜车马,称bronze ware。



The U.S. though, like its opposition to the metric system, decides to go it alone and, hey, what a coincidence, it just happens to make it look like the Americans are having the most success at the Olympics, when we most certainly are not.



10、 metric system  n. a decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and on the kilogram   米制,公制,十进制度量系统(美国是工业化国家中唯一未将国际单位制定义为官方量度系统的国家)

This wasn’t some planned thing. The system was in place before China began capturing more golds here. It isn’t a coordinated way to spare America’s fragile ego and hide the fact that it isn’t dominating the Games. It just looks that way.



11、spare America s fragile ego  拯救美国脆弱的自我

Consider this: If the United States was leading the standings according to every single entity — official or neutral — in the entire world, but the Chinese media used a different system that put them on top … well, what would you think?



12、 leading the standings   领跑积分榜

Besides, the total medal count does tend to favor the United States, which often has the largest delegation at the Olympics and, thus, the most chances to win medals (613 to China’s 431).

大意:此外,奖牌总数确实倾向于美国,因为美国通常拥有最多的奥运会代表团,因此获得奖牌的机会最多(累计美国获奖数613 对比中国的 431)。


13、delegation/delɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n/   n. a body of persons chosen as representatives of a larger group  代表团

Right now though, it’s just embarrassing. There is no shame in not winning as many golds as China. Really, who cares? A nation's worth is not defined by the strength of its canoe slalom team. Besides, with track and field, basketball and boxing still going, we can still surpass the Chinese by any metric.



14、canoe slalom 皮划艇激流回旋(夏运会项目)

But making it look like we are reworking the numbers — even if it isn’t orchestrated — is humiliating.



1、sweep:take everything  横扫

sweep the series:win every game 全赢

2、doubldhead  连续两场的


4、awarding ceremony:颁奖仪式

排名:come in first/ second / third place

5、 podium:领奖台

mount the rostrum 登上领奖台

play the anthem of the gold medalist 奏国歌

hoist the national flag  升国旗

6、match point 赛点(a situation (as in tennis) in which one player or side will win the match by winning the next point; also : the point itself 最后一球)



0:0  love all

8、seed player、seed  种子选手

the top seed 头号种子选手

veteran   老将

newcomer  小将

1.《【奥运奖牌榜东京】每日一篇英语阅读 Day160 | 东京奥会奖牌标准灵活,不是第一制造第一》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【奥运奖牌榜东京】每日一篇英语阅读 Day160 | 东京奥会奖牌标准灵活,不是第一制造第一》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。





【尤文转会】C罗会巴黎,姆巴佩走皇马,伊卡尔迪奔尤文 6月3日足坛转会传闻



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奥运奖牌榜东京相关介绍,大家好,我是残疾人,职业体育编辑。因为本职工作,主要国际比赛业务忙的时候,我会用文章专栏代替一般的视频更新。请支持我。感谢大家。(大卫亚设)。 北京时间8月27日,东京残奥会结束了第三个比赛日的争夺。...