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秘鲁首都 秘鲁首都利马英语

  利马市分为旧城、新城两部分。旧城区位于城市北部,临近阿普里马克河,街道自西北向东南伸展,同阿普里马克河呈平行状。街道多以秘鲁的省和城市命名,街区狭窄 ,房屋低矮,大多为殖民统治时期所建造。接下来,小编给大家准备了秘鲁首都利马英语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


  The Iglesia de San Francisco features the city"s first cemetery as well as many rare documents. Straddling (坐落在…旁)both banks of the Rjo Rjmac at the foot of the Cerro San Cristobal, the capital of Peru is an eclectic(折衷的)mix of traditional colonial buildings, soaring skyscrapers and Pueblos(印第安人村庄)(shanty settlements that blanket the dusty hills overlooking the city).Home to two-thirds of Peru"s industry and nearly one-third of the country"s total population, pollution and poverty is highly present this city of seven million. A few miles southwest of the city center, Villa El Salvador shelters 350,000 people.

  In spite of its troubles, the city boasts a great many historic monuments, museums for every palate(口味,品位), a lively cultural and arts scene and the country"s best food, drink and nightlife.

  Most of Lima"s sights can be found within the old city, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO(联合国教科文组织).

  The dramatic Andes Mountains outside of Lima Attractions include the Palacio Torre Tagle, the city"s best surviving specimen of secular(长期的)colonial architecture; the Museo de Oro del Peru, with its precolumbian(哥伦布发现新大陆前)metals, weavings and mummies and the Museo de Arte, with more than 7,000 exhibits giving a retrospective(回顾)of Peruvian cultures and art from 2,000 years ago to the present day.

  Lima"s many markets overflow with hand-crafted (手工的)jewelry of silver and gold, Peruvian textiles and ceramics(陶器), flowers and fresh produce.

  For a break from the city"s clamor, duck into(钻进)Lima"s fine baroque churches(巴洛克式教堂)or take a stroll through its many parks and gardens, some established as early as the 17th century by Lima"s Spanish aristocracy(贵族统治).


  1、南京大学         Nanjing University

  2、东南大学         Southeast China University

  3、中国矿业大学       China Mining University

  4、河海大学         River Sea University

  5、江南大学         University Of The South

  6、南京农业大学       Agricultural University Of Nanjing

  7、中国药科大学       China Medicine University

  8、南京理工大学       Institutes Of Technology Of Nanjing

  9、南京航空航天大学     Nanjing Aero-Space University

  10、苏州大学         University Of Suzhou

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