the bird photographer of the year is an annually held bird photography competition where photographers from all over the world compete for the grand prand


the winner of this year ' s bird photographer of the year title and a5,000 prize is British photographer Caron Steele and her majestic photographer

今年“年度鸟类摄影师”获奖者是英国摄影师Karon Stillo,Dalmatia SADALEY拍摄了在希腊KELKINI湖的壮观照片,获得了5000英镑奖金。请在下面的画廊里看一下与卡隆的照片不同类别的获奖者!

# 1 Caron Steele-bird photographer of the year


on arriving in Greece to photograph the dalmat Ian pelicans in their breeding plumage I discovered that lake kerk ini,their favoured haunt。All the pelicans had flown off。fortunately,A few holes started to thaw in the lake and the birds slowly began to return . unused to the slippery icy surface of the lake they regaleeit was a truly unique experience,Both magical and comical at the same time . and the image remains a moment of pure joy captured forever。'


# 2 Chad Larsen-garden and urban birds


我的wife and I had been photographing snowy owls for a couple days during the Christmas

Holidays in Saskatchewan. On this morning, I returned to the same area and could not believe what I was seeing... an all-white Snowy Owl on a quaint white church! Trying to focus on a white owl set against a very light backdrop proved to be very difficult. However, my biggest challenge was getting into a central position without disturbing this peaceful moment: I knew an opportunity like this might never happen again.’


#3 Csaba Tokolyi - Attention To Detail

Csaba Tokolyi -注重细节

‘It had been a long night, lodged in a hide set up for nocturnal species. After those long dark hours packed with action photography the breaking dawn presented a real treat. A Little Egret in wonderful breeding plumage stopped by and was standing at close range in the golden light of dawn reflected on the water’s surface. The elongated scapular feathers covered the bird like a gown in the lovely morning light. Instead of using wide-angle, I looked for a composition with my telephoto lens to try to record a different kind of image.’


#4 Yashodhan Bhatia - Best Portrait - Honorable Mention


#5 Cat Edwardes - Creative Imagery - Honorable Mention


#6 Nikunj Patel - Birds In Flight - Gold

尼库尼·帕特尔 -飞行中的鸟-金奖

#7 Ben Andrew - Best Portrait - Silver


#8 Jozsef Gergely - Bird Behaviour - Silver


#9 Edwin Giesbers - Birds In The Environment - Silver


#10 Madeline Nolan - Young Bird Photographer Of The Year - Silver


More info: Bird Photographer of the Year | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

图片来源:Bird Photographer of the Year


