
























A total 142 days 100-day-grand summons ceremony of the Shurangama Mantra has been completed successfully in Zhong Nan Mountain in 2014. On 1st of January 2015, Venerable Master Pu Guang has even made greater vows for a continuously 10 years long 24-hour-each day-grand summons assembly of the Shurangama Mantra. Apparently, these vows come from Ven. Master’s ultimate benevolence and mercifulness.


Ven. Master Pu Guang was born on 8th of April 1901 Chinese lunar calendar. Both of his parents were descendants from the legendary Liang Shan heroes. Ven. Master calls himself as‘bitter melon old monk’ because he became an orphan at the very young age of 8 months old during the war period. The old abbot of Shao Lin Temple saved him from a shell hole. He became a Buddhist monk from then. The old abbot not only raised Ven. Master Pu Guang in person, but also taught him Shao Lin Kung Fu and Buddhist sutras. Reciting Buddhist sutras started from when Ven. Master Pu Guang began to learn speaking. The old abbot just let him reciting, not learning the characters. He could have one spoonful food when he was able to recite his each day task - 3 sentences of the sutras. Ven. Master has remembered most of the Buddhist sutras and mantras when he was 15 years old. Afterwards, Ven. Master was selected from all young monks to learn the famous Shao Lin Kung Fu, e.g., Iron Palm, Boy Kung Fu.


Before his Parinirvana in 1922, the old abbot told Ven. Master Pu Guang avoid contacting mundane people before he turned 60 for women would destroy his energetic power while men would hurt him by jealousy. The old abbot urged him better continue practicing Buddhism inside the mountains. Thus, Ven. Master left Shao Lin Temple to Chang Bai Mountain with his disciple who is a few years his junior. In Chang Bai Mountain, he worked hard on practicing Buddhism follows his master’s guidance. He met and brought under the wild animals like the fierce tigers, bears and apes while living in Chang Bai Mountain. Unfortunately, Ven. Master had to excavate the tiger’s eyes as it resisted Tisarana and still wanted to kill human beings and eat them. Ven. Master took care of the unarmed tiger by feeding him with roasted potatoes until it died naturally seven or eight years later. After the tiger’s death, Ven. Master helped it reborn in Three Good by making it a Buddhist soul releasing ceremony.


A few years later, Ven. Master found that Kung Fu couldn’t lead him to the ultimate truth. On the contrary, Kung Fu is so easy to hurt people. He always made many others injured by trying to help one person. And karma remains forever. He decided to stop practicing Kung Fu. Ven. Master said it is not wise to study Kung Fu when you already turned 30. And Kung Fu can’t really help people get out of Samsara. He hid himself deeply into the mountain and got no chance to meet any outside unfairness. Kung Fu never brings trouble to him anymore. Ven. Master left Chang Bai Mountain with his disciple because he heard that Zhong Nan Mountain is the sacred place for recluses from all dynasties. At that time, the blind tiger was died while the ape was still alive. When the ape found they wanted to leave, it grabbed Ven. Master’s legs and cried, trying to stop him. Holding their staffs and covering with their kasayas, Ven. Master and his disciple left Chang Bai Mountain quietly at the ape’s sleeping moment. They arrived Zhong Nan Mountain after several months.

Unlike Chang Bai Mountain, there are neither tree fruits for eating nor fertile soil for growing vegetables. Both Ven. Master and his disciple had no fruits and potatoes to prevent hungriness. Nevertheless, Ven. Master still remembered what his master had told him. They kept themselves off from the outside world. They practiced Buddhism in the mountain cave. They ate tree leaves in summer and tree barks in winter. In the following several decades, they have tried over 72 types of tree leaves and barks. At that time, all Chinese people were poor. the income of one peasant’s one whole day hard working was only 2 cents. Ven. Master never bothered these peasants for food.

They burnt the leaves into powder and swallowed with cold water. ‘All 72 types of tree leaves are edible, ‘ said Ven. Master. They also smashed the leaves and barks then cooked them. Their food actually supplies good nutrition. ‘Everything is created from mind. Tree leaves or bread chips, it depends on your own view.’Ven. Master also said, ‘as long as hunger doesn’t disturb your practicing.’ Until the end of 1996, some laymen from Bei Jing started to donate food to the reclusive area in Zhong Nan Mountain.


Ven. Master began to seek proper practicing place after getting used to the new environment. Finally he found the Guan Yin Kwu Tung temple above 3000 meters sea level. This was the sacred place for the recluses from many dynasties. The earliest owner of this place of enlightenment was Xuan Yuan, Chinese ancestral yellow emperor. Skanda Bodhisattva and Sangharama Bodhisattva had ever shown their dharma body here. Later, even modern times Ven. Master Lai Guo, Ven. Master Xu Yun and many other eminent monks had practiced Buddhism here. Embraced by countless mountains, the cave is like sitting in the middle of a huge lotus flower. The wreathing mist and the fascinating surroundings makes the cave a wonderland. This ancient cave is natural. It is 5 meters in depth, cool in summer and warm in winter. There are some stone and thatched cottage relics outside. Nearby, there is a Mercy Cave for retreat practice. There is a spring pond inside the Mercy Cave. It supplies water resources for people doing retreat practice. Ven. Master said the water is Buddha and Bodhisattvas' tears. It cures all diseases. Many people come here seeking this holy water.


There are 9 dragons in Zhong Nan Mountain. They all converted to Ven. Master. They become his guardians. The dragon guardians spray dew rain on the site where Ven. Master holds the ceremony of Shurangama Mantra Seven. Later on, Ven. Master got a big python under control. The python becomes his another guardian. It practices Buddhism behind the ancient Avalokitesvara cave. Ven. Master said the python assures the comfy living circumstances of the cave. It also makes the tree leaves wuthering to stop the bandits come up into the mountain. Ven. Master chants athe Shurangama Mantra 24 hours a day. The Shurangama Mantra is his morning and evening lesson. His voice is sonorous, forceful and encouraging. During the Shurangama Mantra Seven, Ven. Master chants the Mantra 108 times a day. The quickest time he recites one Mantra is around 3 minutes. This is amazing. Over these years, there are some other people converted to Ven. Master. But they couldn’t endure the tough mountain life and left. Eventually, only these two old disciples accompany Ven. Master.


Ven. Master spent his most life in the deep of the mountains. From 1901 to 1949, China was in extreme poverty and had endless cruel wars. During that period, Ven. Master never tried to bring inconvenience to common people. He lived in stone caves, thatched shacks at the top of the mountains, eating tree leaves, grass roots and wild herbs, practicing asceticism. In 1937, Japan intruded China. The country was ruined and people suffered severely. Ven. Master had done many things for the country. He had dismantled Japanese war ships in Qing Dao. Moreover, he struggled to protect Buddhist temples intact. In 1966, Ven. Master was not able to keep himself out of the trouble during the Cultural Revolution. The Red Guards chased them all over town. They escaped by jumping into the cesspools of the Production Teams for several times. Once, during their mountain search, the Red Guards caught Ven. Master’s disciple. Ven. Master was also caught for he wanted to do a rescue. They were paraded through the streets and sent back to their native Shan Dong province. Ven. Master and his disciple were kept in jail because he doesn’t have any relatives in Shan Dong anymore. At that time, his old disciple was about to starve to death. Ven. Master had to break the jail gate with his Iron Palm at midnight. With his disciple on his back, Ven. Master climbed up 3-meter-high jail wall and escaped. They walked along the railway for one month, and finally went back to Zhong Nan Mountain.


Living in the mountains, eating tree leaves and barks for years, Ven. Master has spent most of his life in hardship. However, Buddha and Bodhisattva want Ven. Master carry forward Buddhism and save the same suffering living beings. That is why they sent him to the outside world at last.

Ven. Master is as simple as a child. He is straight-forwarded, sincere, making no exception of people. All laymen there go outing at the same time with him while eating the same food with him. He treats all laymen as his own parents.


In recent years, more people come inside the mountain to visit him. Gradually, a little road about 4 inches in width appeared beneath their feet. Together with the college students in Xi’an city, Ven. Master paved this little road with 5000 pounded mountain rocks. Then he rebuilt the clay hall and houses into solid brick one. This benefits a lot for the following practitioners. Ven. Master wants people continue practicing Buddhism at this place no matter if he is here or not. Anyway, the Earth would not be destroyed, the living beings would not suffer anymore, the country would maintain in peace as long as Ven. Master doesn’t stop reciting the Shurangama Mantra on any single day.


Ven. Master is trying his best to promote Buddhism though he is 115 years old. He often says it is hard to reciprocate Buddha for he has been Sakyamuni’s disciple for 115 years. It is Dharma-ending age; the Shurangama Mantra is crucial for Buddhism, the true Dharma. It is crucial for all living beings. Despite his senior age, Ven. Master never refuses a single invitation of the Shurangama Mantra Seven these years. He travels through many Way-places all over the country. He requires strictly a never ending 24 hours each day Shurangama Mantra ceremony. As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, a total 142 days 100-day-grand summons ceremony of the Shurangama Mantra has been completed successfully in Zhong Nan Mountain in 2014. And furthermore, started at 3 am, 1st of January 2015, a 10-year-long grand summons ceremony of the Shurangama Mantra is held at ancient Avalokitesvara Cave in Zhong Nan Mountain. This ceremony will be lasted until December 2025 in Chinese lunar year. This magnificent event is unprecedented in Chinese Buddhism history. The attendees chant the Mantra at daytime together. They make several shifts to rotate in the evening. Those awaking shifts continue to chant the Mantra. This arrangement guarantees the Shurangama Mantra incessant. Ven. Master has strict requirement towards the attendees. Mouthing silently is forbidden. Everyone should chant loudly. Ven. Master is busy with the management at daytime. He chants the Mantra at night with his two palms together. Chanting the Shurangama Mantra at least for 108 times daily is his limited self-demand.

Ven. Master himself is a treasure. Rare Buddhists are capable to get what he has, like The Boy Kung Fu, Iron Palm, and genuine incense from his precept substance. At the age of over 100 years old, he still has firm muscles, tough abdomen. His is in real good health. And his precept substance sprays truly pure sandalwood incense. The incense is ethereal. One can hardly find it in this physical world. Some of Ven. Master’s followers converted to him for they smelled this immortal incense. This is a sort of kausalya way to make ordinary people have Buddhism convictions. Ven. Master is a unique bliss of our world.


When chanting the Mantra, Ven. Master had unusual sonorous voice. Young men can’t beat him with this. Ven. Master’s idea about chanting the Mantra with loud voice is: 1 How to save people with too low voice even ghosts can scarcely hear? 2 Making your voice loud enough for every living being to hear, including insects, mosquitos and even maggots in the toilets. Thus, you give the chance for those tiny beings to become Buddha. 3 Meanwhile, chanting loudly also helps the chanter on the following respective aspects: stopping distracting thoughts, avoiding sleepiness, getting through his body channels, replenishing energy and improving health. The enlightenment state of Ven. Master has reached a very high level. It is pointless for us to spend much time on theories but just listening to Ven. Master’s talks and reciting the Mantra.

Ven. Master’s biggest hope is building a Shurangama vihara temple at the bottom of Zhong Nan Mountain. The vihara temple should accommodate one thousand people. This vihara temple is for those who can recite the Shurangama Mantra all over the country. And it’s also for believers over 60 of age, which are not eligible to become monks at common Buddhist temples. Ven. Master wants these people to be in the vihara temple and chant the Shurangama Mantra together. At that time, the chanting power would be tremendous when all disciples chants the Mantra following Ven. Master’s chanting tone, pace and instructions. With this mode, many people will meet great achievement. In relevant, the disasters happened in this world would get less. Those who practice the Shurangama Way undoubtedly have the root of kindness. They are Bodhisattvas presenting in the world. Ven. Master said people who meet him at this life must had at least 7 predestined lives with Sakyamuni Buddha in the past. Fellow practitioners, please cherish the opportunity to be with Venerable Master Pu Guang and practice diligently.





Namo Sakyamuni Buddha

Namo the Shurangama

Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

Namo Vajra-garbha Bodhisattva










