Brief Instructions on Use As shown in the diagram below, this resource comprises three components: “Opening”, “Read” and “Search”. Clicking each of these components will open its respective contents. A. Opening: Photographs and videos of the anniversaries of the journal. B. Read: Page view of the full text of individual issues. C. Search: Searching for titles and authors of articles in the journal. Disc 1: Issues of 1966-1987 Disc 2: Issues of 1988-2011 Contents of the resource A. Opening B. Read: In the Read component, clicking the date under an individual issue will open the full text of that issue: Full text: Page view of the inaugural issue, 1966 C. Search: To search authors or titles of the articles, please use the Search component. 1. Click “Edit” on the top menu of the Web browser. 2. Select “Find on this Page” from the dropdown menu. 3. Input the search term in full Chinese characters, for example “東亞”, in the search box that appears. 4. The search term is highlighted in the hit list, as in the following diagram. 5. Click the page number of the article or essay on the right. 6. The journal issue containing that article or essay appears.

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