Analysis of world tour mode:VR tennis as the most important model of the past, the integration of the elements into the inclusion of rich, interesting and challenging training games, making the game longer than the chief officer. Compared with the previous work, the VR3 World Tour model has made a lot of improvements, OK, LET, S, GO!The world tour mode altogether can build three file, start the VR to choose the gender, male athletes and female athletes to separate , and is still set player name, color, clothing, left and right hand row ball and ball movement... Into the map... Select the home position after the beginning of the world tour.On the big map, I can t find any stores that have played an important role in the tour mode. I ve got a lot of new TENNIS ACADEMY training places and a lot of new training games. The game is played according to the schedule, 12 months a year, 4 weeks a month, and it takes time to rest, train or play. In addition, press the R key to bring up the schedule you can directly see the lowest ranking open requirements, it is convenient, here we have to interpret them.HOME:Access to the home page allows you to see your basic attributes, values and world rankings, current physical strength.Capability valuesServing serveSpeed service speedControl service accuracyFootwork footstepsRushing, To, The, Net forward velocityLateral displacement velocity of Lateral MovementTurning turn speedStroke and Volleying, shot and net volley Power powerAngle angleControl control rangeGEAR: equipmentClothes, pants, shoes, wristbands, glasses, etc. can be changed here. Of course, the most important thing is the racket. There are three attributes of the racket. POWER, ANGLE, CONTROL are the hitting power, the angle and the range of control. At the beginning of the game the little bat sucks, you want to get good equipment need
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