物业小区关于禁止高空抛物的温馨提示范文 物业小区关于禁止高空抛物的温馨提示范文提要:高空抛物不仅污染社区环境,而且还危害家庭安全。创建文明家园、和谐社区需要您我的共同努力。物业服务中心提醒广大业主 物业小区关于禁止高空抛物的温馨提示范文 尊敬的EE业主/住户: EE在全体业主/住户和物业服务中心的共同努力下,环境日益整洁﹑美丽,越来越舒适宜人。但近期个别业主/住户经常从客厅阳台和卧室窗户往楼下乱丢牛奶盒、石子等杂物;这种不良习惯不仅污染了小区环境,还造成邻里之间的关系紧张,甚至对住户的生命、财产构成严重威胁。 高空抛物不仅污染社区环境,而且还危害家庭安全。创建文明家园、和谐社区需要您我的共同努力。物业服务中心提醒广大业主:请不要从阳台和窗户随便往楼下乱丢杂物,请将杂物倒入自家垃圾桶里面;请将垃圾袋放入大堂外面垃圾桶里面。特别要经常教育、提醒家中小孩不要随意乱丢东西。 感谢各位业主/住户一直以来对物业服务中心各项工作的支持与理解。 “美丽的大城我的家,共同维护靠大家” EE物业服务中心 二〇一二年十一月十三日Measures for the routine management of moral education in Middle SchoolsMethod of conventional management of moral education in middle schoolFirst, the guiding ideology:School moral education is an organic whole of the whole education work, always adhere to the school adhere to the moral education, education for this product, and actively promote the quality education, the school building efficient curriculum system of moral education, moral education, improve the sense of attraction and appeal, enhance the moral education work for through and timeliness. Teach everyone, service education and management education, and school moral education work must be with family education and community education closely together, to form a concerted pattern, and strive to create a good atmosphere for education, and to promote the all-round development of students, to establish a scientific moral education full of vigor the For long-term mechanism.Two, the goal of moral education:To guide the students to form the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to cultivate students unity and mutual assistance, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, good quality, hard work, set a good XX students ideological quality, psychological quality and image quality. The formation of excellent moral education curriculum system and management system, the construction of school. The society, family moral education network, to achieve full member education, environment education, education service peopl

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