Chinese Encyclopedia of ancient poetryChina: ancient poetry encyclopedia works included the time since first work, to the contemporary is rich in content, covering a wide range, including the Han Dynasty, Yuefu Poems, ancient poetry, poetry, words, Sanqu, Yuan drama and other content, concrete is divided into the following sections and content. A comprehensive anthology of Poetry: Wei Jin, Southern poetry, Han poetry, poem , Tang and Song Ci browsing, Tang Xun Xun five pronoun, Three Hundred Tang Poems , song one hundred , 1000 poems , fifty yuan , the first poem of Ming and Qing Dynasties Jinyuan the Ming and Qing Dynasties Poetry and CI.The two part: first, the pre Qin Qin song , Ballad Xun Guofeng , Book of Songs - Book of Songs, Book of Songs: elegance , Book of Songs song , Qu Yuan , the complete works of Song Yu poetry Xun, Chu Ci , Book of Songs fine traditional school-based traditional fine and school-based Yuefu Poetry .The three part: the Qin and Han Dynasty, Fu Mei Cheng Xun, Jia Yi s poetry, Huainan hill, Fu Xun Sima Xiangru poetry, Wang Yishi Johnson, his poetry, Su Wu Li Ling, Wang Bao poem Fu Xun, Li , the complete works of poetry, Yifu ban Jieyu Zhao Xun, Qin Jia complete works , ban Biao Fu Xun, Ban Zhao Fu Xun, Ban Gu , Yang Xiongfu Johnson, Zhang Heng complete works , Nineteen Ancient Poems , Cai Yong s complete works , complete works of Cai Yan, you Hengfu Johnson and the complete works of Kong Rong.The four part: the Wei Dynasty, Cao Cao , Cao Pi , Cao Zhi , Cao Rui s complete works , the complete works of Chen Lin , Liu Zhen , Xu Gan , complete works , Ruan Yu Ying Qu Ying Yang , the complete collection , Fan Qin collection , Wang Can , Ji Kang complete works , Xiang Fu Xun and the complete works of Ruan Ji.The five part: what, Jin Shao, penny the c
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