U2-TextB-P7 ? Text B 9 Soon the basket was empty. The crowd exploded in applause. Robert Johnson became a hero. In less than five years, the tomato became a major crop in America. CH U2-TB-P7-Q 8) What did the crowd do when they saw the basket emptied? They exploded in applause. U2-TextB-P7CHN Chinese Version 很快,那筐番茄就吃光了。人群中爆发出一阵掌声。罗伯特·约翰逊成了一名英雄。在不到5年的时间里,番茄便成了美国的一种主要作物。 U2-TB-P7-LP1 Language Points /?????????/: v. burst with a loud noise; blow up爆炸,爆发 The balloons exploded one after another. She remained stone-faced for about 30 seconds before she suddenly exploded into laughter! explode e.g. T 气球一只接一只地爆了。 T 她板着脸大约有30秒钟,然后突然爆发出一阵大笑。 U2-TB-P7-LP2 Language Points /???????/: n. person who is admired by many for his noble qualities or his bravery; chief male character in a story, poem, play, etc. 英雄;男主角;男主人公 He is regarded as a national hero. The hero marries the heroine at the end of the film. hero e.g. T 他被看作是民族英雄。 T 电影结尾时,男主人公和女主人公结了婚。 U2-TB-P7-LP3 Language Points applause /???????/: n. approval expressed by clapping the hands and shouting 鼓掌; 欢呼; 喝彩 U2-TextB-P8 ? Text B 10 Today, over 50,000,000 bushels of tomatoes are produced each year. Over 40,000,000 cases of tomato juice are consumed as well as millions of bottles of catsup. The tomato might never have become a part of the American diet had it not been for Robert Johnson’s desperate measure. N CH Notes on the Text Over 40,000,000 cases of tomato juice are consumed as well as millions of bottles of catsup. = Over 40,000,000 cases of tomato juice as well as millions of bottles of catsup are consumed. 人们消费的番茄汁超过了4000万箱,番茄酱几百万瓶。 TextB_P8_Notes U2-TB-P8-Q 9) What is the use of the tomato today? It’s a major crop. It’s also used to produce tomato juice and catsup
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