Do you usually say, “I’m going to the toilet” in English?你是否常用“I’m going to the toilet”来表达上厕所呢?Although saying this can be correct in some contexts, it can be overly direct or even rude–especially in American English。虽然某些情况下这是对的,但是这种说法有点太过直接,甚至粗鲁了——尤其在美式英语中。It’s not necessary to restrict yourself to just this literal phrase when in English we have so many varieties of expressing this phrase。其实你大可不必只使用这一个短语,英文中还有很多用来表达相同意思的语句。Today, I’m going to teach you everything from the most polite ways to say this, to the crass [rude] expressions that you’ll only want to say around the closest of friends。今天,我就教大家英文中所有关于表达“去上厕所”的短语,从最礼貌的方式到最粗鲁、只能同最亲密的朋友说的方式一应俱全。Are you ready to learn some fun, and extremely useful English? Then let’s go!准备好学习最有趣、最实用的英语了吗?我们开始吧!The following 22 toilet related vocabulary and expressions are sorted from the most polite, to the rudest and most vulgar。下面这22个和厕所有关的词汇和表达是按照从礼貌到粗俗来排序的。FormalThe following are appropriate in any situation:下面这些表达适用于任何场合:BathroomExample: I’m gonna [going to] go to the bathroom。例:我要用一下卫生间。RestroomExample: Where is the restroom?例:请问洗手间在哪?Little boy’s/girl’s room男/女厕所Example: I’ll be right back, I need to use the little girl’s room。例:我马上就回来,我想去一下洗手间。Powder my nose去洗手间Example: Excuse me, I need to powder my nose。例:不好意思,我想去一下卫生间。FamiliarThe following are appropriate with family or friends:下面这些表达适合同家人或朋友说:Example: Where’ the bathroom? I need to pee。例:卫生间在哪儿?我要尿尿。Tinkle 尿尿Example: I drank too much water! I have to go tinkle。例:我喝了太多水!我要去尿尿。Go 方便一下Example: Where’s the bathroom, I really have to go!例:厕所在哪,我真的要去方便一下了!Potty 上厕所Example : Where’s the potty?例:厕所在哪?Example : Mama, I have to potty。例:妈妈:我要上厕所。Take a 1/2 大小便Example: Person 1 – I have to go to the bathroom

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