* Homework: waiter What’s his job? He’s a waiter. What does he do? athlete an athlete What does he do? What’s his job? He’s an athlete. What’s his job? He’s a cook. What does he do? cook What does he do? What’s his job? He’s a solider. solider dentist farmer waitress What’s her job? She’s a waitress. What does she do? doctor What’s her job? She’s a doctor. What does she do? student pupil What does she do? What’s her job? She’s a student. teacher What does she do? What’s her job? ----She’s a teacher. nurse -- nurses bus -- buses box ---boxes watch ----watches wash ---washes potato—potatoes factory ---factories study---studies boy----boys day ----days tooth—teeth foot ---feet goose ---geese policeman –policemen fireman ---firemen postman---postmen 笔试训练 policeman policemen ambulance man ambulance men farmer farmers doctor doctors postman postmen soldier soldiers nurse nurses cook cooks teacher teachers fireman firemen 七、 Jane is a teacher. Tom is a pupil . Mr Black is a factory work. Policemen catch criminals Firemen put out the fire . Doctors help sick people. Do you help sick people? --Yes, I do ./ No , I don’t. Ambulance men drive ambulances. Teachers help us to learn. Dentist check our teeth. Are you a dentist ? -Yes, I am ./ No, I am not. waiter waitress Waiters and waitresses are serve us food and drinks. A: What do you want to be ? B: I want to be a doctor . A: What about you ? B:I want to be a nurse. A: Do you want to be a / an …..? B: Yes ,I do ./ No , I don’t . *
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