英 [kənˈklu:sɪv] 美 [kənˈklusɪv]
形容词 确凿的; 决定性的; 令人信服的; 消除怀疑的
1. 确定的;毫无疑问的;不容置疑的
Conclusive evidence shows that something is certainly true.
e.g. Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place...
e.g. Research on the matter is far from conclusive.
英语单词conclusive的单语例句1. Qiu has a chance to appeal to the city's higher court for a second trail, which will be conclusive.
2. Qiu has a chance to appeal to the city's higher court for a second trial, whose findings will be conclusive.
3. One ROK investigator said in August his country's DNA tests were already conclusive.
4. FDA advisers said last month the risk appeared real but that the evidence wasn't conclusive enough to merit pulling Avandia from the market.
5. The results were not conclusive in this preliminary study, but they were welcome news considering the failure of other similar products.
6. Major US shooting tragedies in the past usually sparked fierce debate on gun control, yet ended up with nothing conclusive.
7. " We are working on a report but there has been nothing conclusive yet, " said an MIIT official who wished to remain anonymous.
8. He added that without official records, genealogy records and epitaphs were not conclusive evidence to support these claims.
9. Kim said the final conclusive DNA test will be released Thursday and the results will be informed to its trading partners.
英语单词conclusive的双语例句1. Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al: Concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide and radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: conclusive results of a randomized phase III trial by the EORTC Brain and RT Groups and YCIC Clinical Trials Group.
2. The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see it on every hand.
3. Take productivity seriously to be in social developing is conclusive the radical point of view that action is materialist conception of history.
4. The concept of fiction is different from the concept of presumption in legal theory, but some scholars think that the conclusive presumption is one kind of fictions.
卢鹏 摘要:法律学上的拟制概念与推定概念是有区别的,但学界在这两个概念上存在模糊认识,认为结论性推定也是一种拟制。
5. They had conclusive evidence of her guilt.
6. While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.
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