英 [di:p] 美 [dip]
形容词 深的; 深远的`,深奥; 重大的,深刻的; 强烈的,痛切的,深厚的
名词 深处,深渊
副词 深深地,深入地
1. The snow is three feet deep.
2. He has deep brown eyes.
3. Mathematics is too deep for me.
deep的单语例句1. When more people benefit from the business, it will bite deep into the ethics of academics.
2. Robotic submarines working deep in the ocean removed a busted piece of pipe last weekend, at which point oil flowed unimpeded into the water.
3. Butter or oil a deep baking pan and place pumpkin wedges in it.
4. But Lin says her act is " brave ", done out of her deep love for her father.
5. There were a good few seconds when I struggled to breathe, floating neck deep in 3 C water.
6. In the meantime, the damage caused by this recession runs deep.
7. In front of me, older men in twos and threes passed by in deep discussion.
8. The vapor is condensed against a surface cooled by water from the deep, to produce desalinated water.
9. The triple C 2004 is a deep, complex integrated wine that has an ample aging capacity.
10. The cache was buried 18 inches deep and was packed into a hole the size of a large shoe box.
deep的词典解释1. (从上到下)深的,厚的
If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.
e.g. The water is very deep and mysterious-looking...
e.g. Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden...
2. (从前到后)深的,宽的
A deep container, such as a cupboard, extends or measures a long distance from front to back.
e.g. The wardrobe was very deep.
3. 有…深的
You use deep to talk or ask about how much something measures from the surface to the bottom, or from front to back.
e.g. I found myself in water only three feet deep...
我发现脚下的水只有 3 英尺深。
e.g. The mud is ankle deep around Shush Square...
4. 深入地;在(或至)深处
Deep in an area means a long way inside it
e.g. They were now deep inside rebel territory.
e.g. ...deep inside the country...
5. (足球、网球等运动中球)纵深的,靠近对方端线的
In sports such as football and tennis, a deep shot or pass is one that sends the ball a long way towards the end of the pitch or court.
e.g. ...Steve Staunton's deep cross.
e.g. ...a deep volley.
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