



学校升本以来,始终坚持应用型办学定位。2007年,以优异成绩顺利通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估。2010年6月,获批为教育部 卓越工程师教育培养计划 首批实施高校。2011年10月,经国务院学位委员会批准,成为 服务国家特殊需求硕士专业学位研究生教育 试点高校。2013年,学校牵头,联合湘电集团和湘潭大学组建的 风电装备与电能变换协同创新中心 被遴选为湖南省首批 2011计划 协同创新中心。

学校现有主校区和南校区2个校区,学校校园总面积108万㎡,建筑面积52万㎡,教学科研仪器设备1.7亿元,纸质图书144万多册。学校主校区位于湘江之滨,与沿江风光带、宝塔公园、木鱼湖公园相互映衬,风光秀美,是湖南省 园林式单位 和 文明高等学校 。学校现设有16个教学院、51个本科专业,2个硕士专业学位点,全日制在校学生2.02万人,面向28个省招生。

学校现有教职工1118人,其中专任教师765人,高级职称专任教师342人;具有博士学位专任教师149人,具有硕士学位以上专任教师592人;全国模范教师1人,全国优秀教师2人,教育部新世纪优秀人才2人,教育部专业教学指导委员会委员2人,省级教学名师3人,省级学科带头人13人,省部级优秀教师10人,省 121人才工程 人选16人,省级青年骨干教师55人。博士生、硕士生导师74人。

学校教学涵盖工、管、文、理、经、艺等六个学科门类,拥有电气、机械、纺织、化工、管理等优势专业群,形成了以工为主、多学科协调发展格局。现有5个省级重点建设学科;8个教育部 卓越计划 试点专业,8个国家级、省级特色专业;1个国家级专业综合改革试点专业,5个省级专业综合改革试点专业; 1个省级重点实验室,1个省工程实验室,2个省高校重点实验室,2个省级虚拟仿真实验中心,6个省级示范实验室;2个国家级工程实践教育中心,1个国家级大学生校外实践教育基地,1个国家大学生文化素质教育基地,8个省级实践教学建设项目,9个省级优秀实习基地;1个省级校地合作基地,3个省级产学研合作示范基地, 2个省级校企合作创新创业基地;3个省级教学团队,2个省高校科技创新团队;11门省级精品课程,17项省高校信息化教学应用项目。金工实习基地是教育部确定的全国高校金工实习教学指导人员培训与考试中心。湖南工程学院教务网络管理系统

学校工程应用型人才培养特色鲜明,40项教育教学改革成果获得国家级、省级教学成果奖,特别是工程应用型人才培养的改革成果得到了上级主管部门和用人单位的广泛认同,在全国同类院校中具有较大影响。学校是 全国工程应用型本科教育协作组 副组长单位、 全国高等学校教学研究会应用型本科院校专门委员会 副主任委员单位、 普通高等教育应用型人才培养规划教材编审委员会 主任委员单位和 全国地方高校卓越工程教育校企联盟 副理事长单位。



建校60多年来,学校始终立足湖南,面向全国,服务地方,为机电、纺织行业和社会经济建设输送了10万多名高素质人才。毕业生 不事张扬、踏实做事 的专业精神和 肯干、实干、会干 的显著特点,赢得了社会的广泛认可和一致好评。近年来,毕业生就业率一直保持在90%以上。

学校以 锲而不舍,敢为人先 为校训,坚持质量立校、人才强校、特色兴校。全校师生员工在 三步走 战略目标和学校第三次党代会规划蓝图的指引下,积极进取,开拓创新,努力把学校建设成为位居全国同类院校先进行列的特色鲜明高水平工程应用型大学。


Hunan Institute of Engineering , located in Xiangtan City, the hometown of Chairman Mao Zedong, was initially founded in 1951. Approved by the Ministry of Education in June 2000, the official name HIE came into being as a result of the merger of Xiangtan Institute of Machinery and Electricity Technology and Hunan Textile College. Xiangtan Institute of Machinery and Electricity Technology, founded in 1951, affiliated with the former National Ministry of Machinery Industry, was appraised to be the national key construction modeling school of higher technical colleges of engineering. Hunan Textile College, founded in 1978, was attached to Hunan Provincial Bureau of Textile Industry. HIE is under the joint support of the central government and Hunan provincial government, the latter being mainly in charge of its administration.

Since its upgrade from junior college to undergraduate education, HIE has stuck to its running principle of application-oriented . In 2007, HIE passed with good record the Undergraduate Teaching Proficiency Evaluation hosted by the Ministry of Education. In June 2010, HIE was authorized by the Ministry of Education to be the first batch of Plan for Cultivating Outstanding Engineers . In October 2011, HIE was authorized by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to be the pilot college of professional degree graduate students education meeting national special demands . In 2013, HIE took the lead and established the Hunan Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Wind Power Equipment and Energy Conversion , combining with Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd. and Xiangtan University. The center was selected as the first batch of Hunan Collaborative Innovation Center in 2011 Program .

HIE possesses the Main Campus and the South Campus, covering a total area of 1,080,000 square meters, with a construction area of more than 520,000 square meters. Its teaching instrument and equipment is worth 170,000,000 yuan and the library holds a total collection of more than 1.44 million books. The Main Campus, located on the riverside of Xiangjiang River, is in good company with the scenic belt along river and the Pagoda Park、Muyu Lake park. Because of its beautiful scenery and good teaching condition, HIE was awarded the honors of Garden Unit and Civilized Institute of Higher Learning in Hunan Province. With 16 teaching departments, HIE offers 51 bachelor degrees and 2 professional postgraduate degrees. There are more than 20,200 registered students from 28 provinces and regions all over the country.

HIE has a staff of 1,118 with a faculty of 765, of which 342 are professors and associate professors, 741 have a doctoral degree or a Master s degree, 1 is awarded National Model Teacher , 2 are awarded National Excellent Teacher , 2 are New Century Excellent Talents under the Ministry of Education, 2 are members of the National Education Consultation Committee under the Ministry of Education, 3 have been awarded the title of Master Teacher of Hunan Province, 13 are provincial discipline leaders , 10 are awarded Excellent Teacher at provincial and ministerial level, 16 have got the academic support from the 121 Talents Project in Hunan Province, 55 are awarded Young Backbone Teacher of Hunan Province , and 74 have been doctoral supervisors or MA student supervisors in HIE and other colleges and universities of Hunan Province.

The undergraduate education in HIE offers 6 disciplines of engineering, management, liberal arts, science, economics and arts, and constructs specialty groups in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, textile engineering, chemical engineering and management, having formed a professional pattern of engineering-oriented development coordinated with multidiscipline. HIE has 5 provincial key construction disciplines, 8 experimental specialties of Plan for Cultivating Outstanding Engineers with the approval of the Ministry of Education, 8 national characteristic specialties and 8 provincial characteristic specialties, 1 national comprehensive reform experimental specialty and 5 provincial comprehensive reform experimental specialties. Moreover, HIE has 1 provincial key laboratory, 1 provincial engineering laboratory, 2 provincial key laboratories of colleges and universities,2 provincial virtual simulation laboratories , 6 provincial demonstration laboratories ;2 national educational centers of engineering practice, 1 national base for out-campus practical education of college students, 1 national base for Culture-Oriented Quality-Education base of College Students , 8 provincial constructive programs of teaching practice, 9 provincial first-class practice of teaching bases;1 provincial base institution-locality cooperation, 3 provincial demonstration bases of industry-education-academy cooperation, 2 provincial bases of Innovation entrepreneurship of university-industry cooperation; 3 provincial teaching teams, 2 provincial technology innovation team; and 11 disciplines of provincial excellent courses, 17 provincial construction projects of informatization application of colleges and universities. Besides, the Metalworking Practice Base has been appointed Training and Examination Center of metalworking teaching for the country s technological institutes of higher learning.

HIE features the cultivation of engineering practical talents, with 40 items of educational and teaching reform achievements winning the National and Provincial Teaching Achievement Prizes; the reform achievements of cultivating application-oriented talents of engineering, in particular, have been widely accepted by superior departments and employers, which becomes greatly influential among the similar colleges. HIE is a deputy-group-leader-unit of National Application-oriented Engineering Undergraduate Education Collaborative Group , a vice-director-general-unit of The Special Committee of Application-oriented Undergraduate Education in National College Teaching Research Committee , a chairman-unit of National Higher Education Teaching Material Editing and Censoring Committee for Application-oriented Talent Cultivation and a vice-chairman-unit of University-Enterprise Alliances of Plan for Cultivating Outstanding Engineers among all Provincial Universities within the country .

HIE actively promotes discipline construction and scientific research. In recent years, it has obtained 322 items of national, ministerial and provincial projects, including 29 items of National Natural Science Fund Project, 2 sub-programs of the 863 National Program, 4 items of Technological Innovation Fund for SMEs,371 scientific research awards at all levels. 51 academic books are published, 223 patents obtained, and more than 926 papers included in SCI, EI, and ISTP. HIE greatly strengthens industry-education-academy cooperation and this cooperation relationship has covered more than 190 enterprises, resulting in 76 major projects, with its fund amounting to more than 153,000,000 yuan, which makes a direct economic benefit of more than 400,000,000 yuan.

HIE promotes the multi-channel, multi-level and multi-form international communication and cooperation, which makes it one of the pioneers in Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education Programs in Hunan. HIE cooperates with Tefo College , University of Canberra, University of Southern Queensland in Australia, the University of West Scotland and the University of the Highlands and Islands in UK;and more than 200 foreign experts have worked in HIE since this cooperation.

Since its founding, HIE sticks to the notion of finding a foothold in Hunan, opening up to the world and serving the local economy, providing over 100,000 highly competent personnel for industries of machinery, electricity and textile and social economic development. Students of HIE have won the favor of the employing units owing to their ability, willingness and capability in work performance. Therefore, the employment rate remains above 90%.

Following the motto of Perseverance and Initiative , HIE sticks to the principle of running the institute by quality, talents and characteristics. Under the guidance of the 13th Five-year Plan and the Three-step Development Strategy, HIE sets its aim to work for a first-class and high-quality application-oriented university of engineering.

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