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some people think that young people should follow the traditions of society . others think young people are free to behave as individuals . dividuals



《Moral conviction道德守则》









this is an exam question for a social topic,because the question is relatively abstract,So many students find it a bit difficult to write . bubealthough the frequency is very low,since we he Let ' s take a look at how to write this question together。#英语#


the topic itself is a large composition for bilateral discussion . students can freely discuss the pros and cons of both sides and give their own OPN Nsbut the two parts of ' the traditions of society ' And ' young people are free to behave as individuals ' in this title are too geger And bbeger

题目本身是双方讨论类的大作文,学生可以自由讨论双方观点的优缺点,提出自己的看法。但是在这个标题中,‘the traditions of society’和‘young people are free to behave as individuals’太普通了。传统习俗有好有坏,个性自由也是如此。我们都听过“取其精华去其糟粕”的观点,所以我们可以采取文章中立的态度,双方都不赞成,建议分开分析。


There are many social traditions,the good part,every one can remember eight words : ' filial piety,loyalty,trust worthy(don ' t tell yue banya that you have never heard these eight words after

reading so many years.)


Of course, you don’t need to write the above 8 word explanations one by one when you write a large composition (you can also Baidu for specific explanations), but we can summarize that social traditions will benefit young people in four aspects.


The first is to encourage young people to honor their parents and elders, encourage family relationships, in-depth communication and mutual help among family members, and deepen young people’s relationship with the family, and this helps young people’s own healthy psychological growth.



The second is to hope that young people will improve their own moral cultivation, be polite and have the courage to help others. This allows young people to better cooperate with others and also helps young people get a better social environment.


The third is to teach young people to keep their promises and to earnestly complete responsible work and tasks, which will also help young people's future career development.



The fourth is to require young people to abide by rules and legal requirements, and not to infringe on the interests of others or commit illegal acts, which also helps to reduce the possibility of juvenile delinquency.


However, there are also problems in social traditions, such as the lack of respect for women’s low social status in the past, and the requirement that children completely obey the arrangements of their parents. Both of them have no independent life choice power, including education, love, and career restrictions. . Therefore, these traditions should not continue to be followed.


Looking at personality freedom again, this classmate should be easy to think of. There are two main benefits.


One is that young people have their own right to choose what they want to do and what kind of life they want to live. Moreover, the choices in modern society are very diverse. Young people can decide what they do according to their own preferences and expertise. Such a choice of personality is also more conducive to young people's potential to achieve better results.


The second is that by allowing young people to play freely, it will be more helpful to cultivate thinking ability, creativity and enthusiasm. When they encounter problems, they may also find more creative and efficient ways to solve them, instead of just following the previous The way.



However, the downside of fully advocating freedom of personality is that if it is not restrained, it may cause young people to develop in a bad direction, and young people may take drugs, commit crimes and other illegal activities. Do harm to yourself and society.


Some people claim that youngsters should learn to be a social member restricted by traditional etiquette, while others consider it better for them to be independent individual as they wish. Personally speaking, neither of the two opinions is to justified enough to represent the entire picture.


On the one hand, it doesn’t make sense to oblige young minds to stick to traditions without substantiating what specific principles to follow. Indeed, some traditional virtues do contribute to the cultivation of moral convictions among younger generations, whether these be the respect for others, hardworking spirit, or frugality. Nevertheless, the problem with the statement is the ambiguous descriptor ‘the traditions of the society’, which is an overarching concept that incorporates all rules embraced by older generations – while some still deserve a place today, others may be incompatible with the whitewater world of constant change. One concept that fails to meet the modern trend of thought is the entrenched stereotype of women, whose role has transformed from housewives locked to kitchens to business elites in offices as their male counterparts.#年轻人#


By the same token, it is also generalized to venerate the individualism without taking into account contexts. The devotees of personal freedom may point to its value in the establishment of qualities such as self-reliance or critical thinking ability; both are imperative in cultivating independent young minds. However, those thinking in this way are oblivious to the underlying interplay between individual liberty and social order – the appropriateness of encouraging individualism should be subject to the social impacts desired in the local context and what is valued by local stakeholders. Let’s not forget that many social conundrums are attributed to the unrestricted behaviors of youngsters, such as drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, etc.#自由#


From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion therefore, neither social traditions nor individualism should be venerated as the only model of society; which view deserves more attention should be contextualized.









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