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【屈原文化英语作文初中】英语端午-traditions of dragon boat festival-端午节的传统


Traditions of Dragon Boat Festival






one of China ' s major traditional festivals,the dragon boat festival has been celebrate d on the fifth day of the fifth month of Chinese lunar

why is dragon boat festival so important?为什么端午节那么重要?

many believe that dragon boat festival is celebrate d to commemorate the death of qu youn,a famous Chinese poet,And minister known for his


屈原was a patriotic poet and exiled official during the warring States period of ancient China。he drowned himself in the Miluo river on the 5 th Y of the 5 th Chinese lunar month,when his be loved Chu state fell to the state of Qin。


local people desperately tried to save qu uan or recover his body,to no avail。


In order to commemorate qu yuan,every fifth day of the fifth lunar month people beat drums and paddle out in boats on the river as they once did to keee


how do people celebrate the dragon boat festival?人们如何庆祝端午节?

1.吃东芝水稻拔节术的粽子(Eating Sticky Rice Dumplings)

宗子are the most traditional dragon boat festival food。related to qu yuan commemoration,the legend says that lumps of rice were thrown in

ng his drowned body.


2. Participating In Dragon Boat Races 参加龙舟赛

The wooden boats are shaped and decorated in the form of a Chinese dragon. The boats’ size varies by region and usually need 30–60 people to paddle them. During the races, dragon boat teams paddle harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by the sound of beating drums. It is said that the winning team will have good luck and a happy life in the following year.


3. Hanging Chinese Mugwort and Calamus 悬挂艾草和菖蒲

The Dragon Boat Festival is held at the start of summer when diseases are more prevalent. Mugwort leaves are used medicinally in China to combat such diseases. Their fragrance deters flies and mosquitoes. Calamus is an aquatic plant that has similar effects.


On the fifth day of the fifth month, people usually clean their houses, courtyards, and hang mugwort and calamus on doors lintels to discourage diseases. It is also said hanging mugwort and calamus can bring good luck to the family.


4. Drinking Realgar Wine 饮雄黄酒

There is an old saying: 'Drinking realgar wine drives diseases and evils away!' Realgar wine is a Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of fermented cereals and powdered realgar.


In ancient times, people believed that realgar was an antidote for all poisons, and effective for killing insects and driving away evil spirits. So, everyone would drink some realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.


Dragon Boat Festival Greetings 端午节的祝福语

Did you know that “Happy Dragon Boat Festival” might not be an appropriate greeting, even though it sounds quite natural?


“Safe and Healthy Dragon Boat Festival” is getting more popular as a greeting.


Now that you have learned the traditions of this Festival, I hope you could benefit from it and wish you a Safe and Healthy Dragon Boat Festival!





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【屈原文化英语作文初中】英语端午-traditions of dragon boat festival-端午节的传统



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