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Lastweek、I watched a sad movie、it was my friend asked me to watch、She said I must be touched . then I was very curious and watched the movieit told a story about a man who grew up in the ship and Never left there,He chose to destroyed with the ship at last . the man was named 1900 for He was bored he found he had great talent in playing piono . so he played for the guests and soon he got famous . the most impressive scene was 1900 accepted che Ge from om om


I always have many thoughts in my mind,like I will finish my homework quickly and then go out for fun,But the truth is that I will not finish it unit he said he just booked the ticket and the hotel and scanned the tourist information,Then he would to there without hesitation . he said most people actually,action works much better than thoughts,because only when you face the problem;


When talking about titanic,every one will think about the handsome young image of Leonardo . during the last 22 years,Leonardo shot a lot ofbut he missed Oscar awards all the time Though he had been nominated four times . but this year,for the fifth time to be nominated,Leonardo finally


Internet has become part of our life,people use computer everywhere,such As They keep in touch with their friends and family,They also Some people attack others by the rude words . we also can read the rumors on the internet Like the end of the world is coming . such rumors bring negative siive


a girl who just graduated in an American high school was chosed to be the spoke man of the students in the graduation ceremony . she was an excellent set det she called on students not to live In other people ' s expectation and she exposed her problems . she lived In the poor family and she was an immige It was


Once I read the an article,it was about the things for a young person to do,one of them was to watch a concert . indeed,as the young guy We chasefor the first time、We felt the great crowd and the crazy scream、We were part of them . when We saw our idol、we couldn't help shouting








高中我的暑假计划英语作文相关介绍,请点击右上角的蓝色“关注”,关注英语周刊头条号码,及时收到精彩内容。 中国人最容易读错的100个常用单词 (这里加了圈卡。请在今天的头条客户端查看。)1 假设你的学校最近组织志愿者去火车站提供服务。请...



高中我的暑假计划英语作文相关介绍,暑假作文:我的暑假计划(1-6年级范文) 作文是很多孩子的语文暑假作业中的“吉号”,你的孩子经常坐在书桌前,却不停笔吗?很多孩子谈论“作文”,颜色变了,父母竭尽全力让孩子们每天写作文。 今天,特别整理...



高中我的暑假计划英语作文相关介绍,衡水中学每年的高考成绩对得起他的名声。2018年衡水中学再次吸引了人们的目光! 衡中创造了几次高考神话,虽然在教学模式上存在一些争议,但这样的成绩只能让人刮目相看。 最近,衡水中学各科老师指导新生如何...



高中我的暑假计划英语作文相关介绍,2018高考结束。作为高中生的你,期末以后又升了一个年级。准备好成为高年级学生了吗?今天编辑会给你做一个小测试,帮助你找到更适合自己的学习方法。 现在来做个小测试。以平时的成绩,可以找到最适合你的复习...