

as is clearly mirrored in The above pie chart,The proportion of ways for shoppers to obtain The product information demonstrates evident distiningaccording to The data given The internet advertisement takes a lion ' s share,accounting for 40%,while TV commercials and flyers take ake

What triggers this phenomenon?it is not difficult to put forward several factors responsible for this . initially,with The accelerated advancement of The internet technology

In view of the arguments above,we can conclude that the current phenomenon is of no surprise . and therefore,it can be predicted that the


(web游戏市长/市场规模the market scale of web games

(2)全球电子商务交易额the turnover of global e-commerce

(3)每类出版物的比例(包括电子书)the rate of different types of publications


the consumption of college students(在线咨询,the consumption of e-products/虚拟产品咨询)



with the progress of science and technology,e-commerce has been booming as well,which contributes to the increase of online trades yes


the evolution of science and technology changed people ' s ways of entertainment and reading habits。


there are more abundant e-products today;As a result、young consumers、especially college students和are spending more money on e-products than before。

第二篇 大学生创业

1. 例文

Increasingly, it has become common for university students to take on part-time jobs or even start their own businesses prior to graduation. From the information given in the pie chart, we can see the survey on the reasons of starting one’s own business among college students in a certain university. Those whose ideals are to become entrepreneurs(企业家) account for 44% of the total, the biggest among all the five categories(类别), while those who could not find suitable jobs account for 15%.

As long as they are cautious, this kind of real-world experience can greatly benefit their future careers. Above all, students who launch their own business can gain valuable insight into their future career path. Some students may even choose to switch majors as the result of the insight gained from work experience or entrepreneurial(企业的) activities. In addition, regardless of whether a student succeeds or fails in a business venture(冒险), the mere fact of having work experience will come in handy when seeking a full-time job after graduation. Employers will regard these students as more ambitious, hard-working and mature than the graduates who lack such work experience. Despite the benefits to students of “getting their feet wet” in the business world, it is crucial that they maintain academic studies as a top priority.

Ultimately, every student must decide how to best allocate his or her time outside of class. Indeed, many college-goers are wary (警惕的)of venturing into the real world until absolutely necessary. However, for those with a manageable schedule, exploratory mind and entrepreneurial spirit, work experience prior to graduation can offer important career benefits——not to mention a paycheck(支票).

2. 派生话题

(1) 大学生毕业出路(求职,考公务员,考研,创业,出国)

the ways out for college graduates (job hunting, take the test for the civil servant, take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools, start a business, go abroad for further education)

(2) 教育投资回报(不同学历毕业后收入不同)

return on educational investment (different incomes for the graduates of different levels of diploma)

(3) 大学生学费来源(奖学金、家庭支持、兼职工作)

the sources of tuition fees for college students (scholarship, family support, part-time jobs)

3. 中间段钻石级句式

(1) 由于许多人意识到教育的重要性,所以现在考研和出国留学的人逐年增加。

Because a large number of people have realized the significance of education, those who take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools or go abroad are increasing year by year.

(2) 由于政府出台了相关政策鼓励大学生创业,所以越来越多的大学生都梦想做自己的老板。

As the government has issued relevant policies to encourage college students to start businesses, more and more college students are dreaming of becoming their own bosses.

(3) 由于如今的大学生缺乏实践能力,所以经常无法找到理想工作。

Because the students nowadays lack practical ability, they always fail to find ideal jobs.

(4) 随着经济发展,许多家庭变得更加富有,所以有能力将自己的子女送出国外读书。

With the development of economy, a large number of families are becoming wealthier than before, and therefore are able to send their children abroad for further education.

第三篇 人口与环境

1. 例文

As can be seen from the bar chart above, the population aging over 60 years old in China has increased markedly from 2000 and will continue to grow in the coming decades. From the statistics given in the diagram, we estimate that there were 120 million aged people in 2000, accounting for about 10% of the total population, while it will shoot up to 450 million in 2050, approximately 35% of the total.

From my point of view, the government, society and the children of the old should care for the old all together and how well we handle this social issue reflects the degree of civilization(文明) of our country. To begin with, all citizens with income pay taxes to the government, so the authority is obliged to(有义务) ensure a stable and happy life of its people. In addition, society, including companies, associations and organizations, should play a positive role in helping the aged people, both financially and spiritually. Last but not least, the children of the elderly should be responsible for their parents, because they have not only brought them into the world, but also raised them to be useful citizens.

In conclusion, I suggest that the whole society should create an environment conducive(有益的)to the happy life of the old people. No one can escape the obligation.

2. 派生话题

(1) 交通事故率上升 increase in the accident rate

(2) 野生动物数量减少 decrease in the number of wildlife

(3) 私家车数量增加 increase in the number of private cars

(4) 二氧化碳排放量增加 rise in the emission of CO2

(5) 癌症人口比例下降 decrease in the percentage of the population suffering from cancer

(6) 城市化进程加快 the acceleration of urbanization

3. 中间段钻石级句式

(1) 随着社会经济发展,医疗条件比过去好很多,人们的寿命也更长。

With the development of economy and society, medical care is far better than it was in the past; as a result, people’s life span is longer.

(2) 由于城市化进程加快,城市人口和私家车辆也越来越多,城市环境也变得非常糟糕。

With the quickening pace of urbanization, both urban population and private cars are increasing; as a a result, the city environment is getting worse.

(3) 虽然今天的交通比过去便捷很多,但是交通事故率还在保持增长。

Although the transportation today is more convenient than it was in the past, accident rate keeps growing.

第四篇 阅读偏好

1. 例文

As can be seen from the table given above, popular fiction is the most popular with American students in this university, accounting for 65.9% of book circulation(发行) in the library. General nonfiction takes up 18.2%, while books concerning science, technology and education, only 10.8%. In contrast, books of art, literature and poetry only have a circulation of 5.1%.

Several factors affect their reading preferences(偏好). Firstly, popular fiction is fascinating(迷人的) to young students. Secondly, books about science, technology and education are usually too complex and difficult to understand. They often contain many terms(术语) which most students can’t understand. Finally, in today’s market economy, much more emphasis is laid on practical and vocational (职业的)books rather than art or poetry.

When it comes to me, poetry and art are my favorites. Such kinds of books can nourish(丰富) my mind and broaden my horizons. Reading a piece of good poetry tends to relieve my burden, and lessen my tension, making me more creative and dynamic. It gets me into an imaginary world, fresh and beautiful. I just love that feeling.

2. 派生话题

(1) 知识与就业/创业 knowledge and employment / starting a business

(2) 公民素质提高 the improvement of the citizens’ quality

3. 中间段钻石级句式

(1) 阅读有利于提升公民的素质。

Reading is conducive to the improvement of the citizens’ quality.

(2) 政府出台政策鼓励阅读,原因之一就是为了增加就业。

The government has issued policies to encourage reading; one of the purposes of doing so is to increase employment.

(3) 通过阅读,我们可以拓展视野,提升艺术品位。

Through reading, we are able to expand our horizon and improve our taste of art.



