Burn one's boats沉没了。if you want to take over the task,You must burn your boats . build castles in the air空中楼阁- Instead of working at her lessons,Mary spends her.E to roost自作自受-she beat His pet cat to death . her chickens came home to roost . climb the wall坐立不安-every student will be climbing His collegeeasy money不义之财-it inspired the burglar ' s desire for easy money。eat dirt吞声-in order T task,I had to eat dirt.egg in your beer尺寸输入- What else do you want?Egg in you beer?Enough to make a cat speak是独一无二的-the plot of the novel is enough to make a cat speak . fight fire with fire由fire以自己的方式支配自己的身体-I have no choice Ht fire withfree loader不速之客,免费吃喝-I stopped being a free loader at home since my college graduation . French leave不辞而别-mrs.green took a French leave.路-you may be driving from pillar to post while dealing with such problems . from the egg to the apple自始至终-she kept silence from the ee Ple。full of beans非常高兴-he is certainly full of beans after his illness . get Ants in one ' s pants坐立不安-let ' s eat . to . Ants in their pants . go to

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2.《【刻舟求剑成语故事英语翻译】Burn one's boats打破水壶——这些成语用英语怎么说?》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
