Joan rivers,a comedian who died last year,did not let chores get in the way of a career in show business。“I hate housework,”she joked说。“you make the beds,you do the dishes,and six months later,you have to start all over again。”


an escape from unpaid drudgery into paid Work seems a distant prospect for millions of Women . in south Asia,for instance,Women carry out up tup

如果摆脱无偿的辛苦家务,投入到有报酬的工作中,对数百万女性来说似乎离得很远。(威廉莎士比亚、温斯顿、工作) (以工作为例)在南亚,多达90%的无偿照顾由妇女负责,其中包括做饭、打扫卫生、照顾孩子和照顾老人。在家庭以外的工作场所,女性的样子比男性难得多。在印度,劳动力占不到1/4,没有无偿工作,仅占GDP的17%。相反,中国女性对GDP的贡献达41%。

a new report from the McKinsey global institute(mgi),a think-tank,Underlines how gender inequality in winricher parts of the world do a lot better but are still a long way from complete gender equality . north America and Oceania,the best-re

麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute,MGI)的新报道称,在就业和社会中,性别不平等在全球分布不均。麦肯锡的分析师们根据女性在职场和社会上的表现计算了男女平等分数,样本涵盖了全球90%的人口。他们认为,除印度以外的南亚地区落后于全世界,分数仅为0.44。发达地区做得好得多,但实现完全性别平等还有很长的路要走。在北美和大洋洲,即使排名最高,分数也只有0.74。

it is hard to put a number on the social costs of this but the McKinsey folk take a stab at estimating the loss of economic output that goes with it . o . thee

the workforce was on a par with men’s. But that captures only part of the lost output. Even in rich bits of the world, where women are close to half the paid workforce, they tend to work fewer hours than men and in jobs with lower productivity, not to mention lower pay as a result of pure discrimination. If the gender gaps in participation, hours worked and productivity were all bridged, the world economy would be $28.4 trillion (or 26%) richer, McKinsey reckons (see chart). The potential gains are proportionately greater in places where fewer women are in paid work. India, for instance, could be 60% richer.


A more realistic target is for countries to close their gender gaps at the rate achieved by the country in their region with the best recent record in this respect. That would add $12 trillion to global output by 2025, according to McKinsey’s calculations, other things being equal (which they almost certainly will not be).


The policies that would quicken a closing of the gender gap at work, such as keeping girls at school for longer and providing better legal protections for women, are in the gift of government. Women whose level of education is on a par with men are more likely to find well-paid jobs in technical professions. They are also more likely to share unpaid work more equitably with men—or, at least, to be able to claim, as Rivers did, that the dullest chores can wait for another six months.









