
1.Today is very hotI just have to stay at home all day . I watched TV after finishing my homework . the program was called animal planet . it was wonderful;

I enjoyed very much and learned a lot from it . I also ate water MelOn,which was great。

733526702.today is hotter . I wanted to stay at home,but my father told me to do some exercises . he asked me to go shopping . I bought some fome And some vege table

780210 363.today is rainy . I went out with my friends . we went to the shopping mall,restaurant,And cinema . it was an exciting And amazing day . I bought mat

4.today is hot again . my father is free . I asked him if we could go swimming,And he agreed . we went to the swimming pool . there were many people . I like slike

5.today is cloudy,but still very hot.i stayed at home,finished my home work and watched a movie,Which is called illusionist . it is difficic

6.today is sunny and hot . I do nothing but surf on the internet,chatting with my friends,Playing computer games and listening to the music . it it

7.today I went out with my friends because it is not so hot . we went shopping,chat together,and had nice drinks and creams . summs

8.today I went to see my grandparents with my mother . they are healthy and kind . we had a wonderful meal there . they usually do exercies Morning and have a wave

& lt198535 3935 & gt.today I only played cards and chess on the internet . I won a lot,Which made me very happy . internet is very useful and enjoyable . people could connent

10.today I started to read a book called " the pride and the prejudice ",Which is a famous novel . It is very interesting . It is delight ful that that





