12月7日18时,北京市紧急事务处发布了空气重污染警报,并将警报等级从橙色提高到红色(red alert),前北京市从12月8日7时开始到12月10日12时开始了空气重污染红色警报措施。这是北京市首次启动空气重污染红色警报。


针对此次红色警报,北京市环境保护局建议国民减少户外活动。市教委要求中小学、幼儿园、少年宫、校外教育机构停课(suspend classes in all elementary and middle schools,kindergartens and extra curricular training schools)

此外,整个城市将实行机动车单双驾驶措施,实行单双两天行驶,该市官方车辆将在单双行驶的基础上停止车辆总数的30%(30%)。(30 percent of government cars will be banned from streets)施工现场将停止室外施工工作(outdoor operations of construction sites are banned)。




schools in Beijing are closed and outdoor construction halted as the Chinese capital ' s first ever pollution ' red alert ' came into effer

据美联社发表的报道,使用smog holiday一词嘲弄北京市政府为应对此次红色警报而采取的措施。

some residents took a smog holiday away from Beijing on Tuesday as the Chinese capital launched restrictions under its first red alert for pollution collution


schools closed and rush-hour roads were much quieter than normal as Beijing invoked its first-ever red alert for smog Tuesday,Closing many factay


A blanket of humid,Still air resulting in smog that is expected to shroud Beijing for at least three days triggered the capital ' s first ever polol



China's capital on Monday issued its first ever "red alert" for pollution, as the city government warned that Beijing would be shrouded in heavy smog from Tuesday until Thursday.


Half of Beijing’s private cars were ordered off the streets on Tuesday and many construction sites and schools were closed under the Chinese capital’s first-ever red alert for pollution.


Much of the Chinese capital shut down Tuesday after Beijing's city government issued its first red alert for pollution, closing schools and construction sites and restricting the number of cars on the road.


Beijing has issued its first pollution red alert as acrid smog enveloped the Chinese capital for the second time this month.


The alert will begin at 7am on Tuesday and should see millions of vehicles forced off the roads, factories and construction sites shut down and schools and nurseries advised to close.

英国《独立报》网站的报道则用了deadly air来证明为何要发布“红色预警”。

Beijing has issued its first ever “red alert” over the city’s smog, with the Chinese capital going into shutdown in an attempt to protect people from the deadly air.

《洛杉矶时报》(LA Times)的报道虽然报道“红色预警”的情况,但却用了一个实际场景(多个开着的空气净化器产生的局部空气状况)来反衬雾霾天的严重性。

On Tuesday morning, the phone at Torana Clean Air Center was ringing off the hook. As China’s capital woke up to its first-ever “red alert” for smog, the skies outside were a noxious gray, but the air inside the small storefront was crisp and clean, alive with the mechanical whirring of several air purifier machines.

《基督教箴言报》(Chrstian Science Monitor)网站上的一篇报道中,不仅一开始就强调这是史上第一回最高级别预警,而且突出这次对北京的影响面及持续时间。

For the first time ever on Monday, Beijing issued its gravest air-quality warning – red alert – for thick smog that is choking the city and will likely persist for several more days.

美国著名的杂志The Week的网站刊发了一篇文章,在开篇部分突出了这次最高预警的影响力和环境污染的严重性。

Beijing is bracing itself for three consecutive days of severe smog this week, prompting China's capital city to issue its first-ever red alert Monday. The alert, which urges the highest level of caution in the city's four-tier warning system, will begin Tuesday at 7 a.m. and end at noon on Thursday.


Beijing issued its first-ever red alert for smog on Monday, urging schools to close and invoking restrictions on factories and traffic that will keep half of the city's vehicles off the roads.


Epic traffic jams. A burgeoning population. Beijing is known as one of the world’s most crowded cities, and over the last several years it’s gained an infamous reputation for its smog. Now, reports Reuters, the city has passed another pollution milestone: It’s issued its first-ever “red alert” for pollution.





