1.its friends他的朋友2.in the kitchen在厨房里

3 .喝drink water水4.play with him和他玩

5.take him to the park带他去公园

6.What a beautiful painting!多么美丽的画啊!

7.come here这里是8。Of course!当然可以!


10.each other互相看11.look at

12.play with each other互相玩

13.dance like a bear像熊一样跳舞。

14.eat like a rabbit像兔子一样吃

15.run like a tiger像老虎一样奔跑

16.walk like an elephant像大象一样走路

17.climb like a monkey像猴子一样爬行

18.want to be a bird想成为一只鸟

19.swim like a fish像鱼一样游泳

想成为20.want to be 21.take photos照片

22.so fast非常快23。Be quiet。请安静。

24.copy us模仿我们25.whose tail谁的尾巴


In the zoo

There are many animals in the zoo。

lake,The tiger is running so fast . The rabbits are eating carrots . The elephant is walking . The birds are flying in The bluesky . The fish as The lakeThe panda is eating bamboo(竹)。the monkey is climbing tree . they are so cute。

I love all the animals。


