Two Extreme Attitudes atout Life


some people want to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early . I see people pursuing higher paying and increasingly demanding careers to comppersMore importantly,who will be around for you to share your leisure time with?at the other extreme are people who live only for today . why bother saving when I might not be here tomorrow,They argue . the danger of this approachthe earlier neglect of saving,however,Makes it difficult not to work when You are older . You maybe surprise to hear me say that if You must PICT and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it . postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake May nay

有些人想赚很多钱,存很多钱,以便早点退休。我看到人们通过追求高工资和高要求的工作来实现这个目标。他们牺牲了很多个人时间来换取今天的收入。问题是明天可能不来。即使一切按计划进行,一辈子也在赚钱。你知道不再工作的时候怎么会幸福吗?大卫亚设,Northern Exposure,工作)更重要的是,在你身边,谁会和你一起分享闲暇时间?另一个极端是只为今天而活的人。他们认为我们明天不在的时候为什么要辛苦地攒钱?这种态度的危险在于明天最终会来。大多数人不想把明天用于为生存而工作。但是,初期忽视储蓄,年纪大了不工作是很难的。如果你必须选择剧团,我认为你最好选择狂欢的态度。听我说,也许你会惊讶。假设你的健康状况允许,只要你不介意继续工作,你就可以。至少,你在利用你的钱,并从中获得价值和幸福。推迟退休后才做你喜欢的事,和你爱的人在一起是错误的。(伯纳德肖)这种情况可能永远不会到来。退休生活对某些人来说可能是一段好时光,对其他人来说可能是一段无聊、孤独、身体不好的时间。

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