


Dear Xx,

in reply to your/sb。s request,I am privileged to submit the re commendation in honor of him/her。

several qualities、as far as I am concerned、make him an ideal candidate。 first and foremost,during my work/study with him。I was extremely impressed by his inexhaustible innovative ideas and profound insight into the relevant field。 what's more、He always finishes his task with remarkable diligence and punctuality、A quite praise worthy quality for the young general

I give him my highest re commendation s without reservation and I am convinced that he will never let you down。 I would be ready to answer any addn

Yours sincerely,



Dear Xx,

in reply to your request for recommending a book/movie/tourist attraction/special food/song/activity.of quality)。

several merits、as far as I am concerned、account for why xx is on the top of my re commendation。 first and foremost、It boasts tremendous artistic/historical/academic/practical/nutritional/Scientific and TTS plus、through reading/seeing/enjoying/You can also get a glimpse of what Chinese culture/modern civilization has to offse still,what is especially praise worthy is that With the help of idiomatic translation/detailed user ' s guide/its internet platflatform

I give it my highest re commendation s without reservation and I would be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have。

Yours sincerely,




you are going to host a club reading session . write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members。

you should state reasons for your re commendation . you should write neatly on the answer sheet .

do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,use "Li Ming" instead。

Do not write the address。(10分)


