
全球热身trend will continue

Words: 218 time: 3

2020 will continue the global warming trend(趋势)With temperatures again likely to rise more than 1 c above pre industrial levels . accords

scientists say the main reason causing the rise is green house gas emissions(排放)。according to researchers,CO2 emissions in 2019 hava Although there was a drop in the use of coal . the met office say they have confidence in their pheir

" the prediction for 2020 would place this year among the six warmest years on record,which would all have happened since 2015," said dr dr

with temperatures keeping close to the one degree mark,scientists worry that the world will break the 1.5limit . many researchers say

2020 will see a big push to get countries to make their plans to ensure the world stays below the 1.5mark .

several key matters raised at the COP 25 un climate summit(气候峰会)In Madrid will be further discussed In Glasgow where countries from all over toreducing emissions is set to be the the me of the discussion,which will be led by the uk。


Prediction/pr' dkn/n .预言

扩展:predict v .预言;预测

eg . it was hard to predict when the spread of NCP would be stopped .



