And now,words and their stories,from VOA learning English . on this program,we explore words and expressions in the English languu


our goal is to teach you American English by any means possiblein other words,by hook or by crook。by hook or by crook 'is a very ols

我们的目标是尽一切可能教美式英语——。也就是说,想办法。“By hook or by crook”是非常古老的表达,现在还在使用。

it means to try to reach a goal by any method or any means possible。for example,a friend of mine really wanted to get a job at this marketing comple


he said he would do anything to get it . his exact words were : ' I am going to get that job by hook or by crook ' .


he is the most hard working and determined person I know . so,one way or another he will definitely get that job。


Today,' one way or another ' is a more common way to say the same thing as ' by hook or by crook '。here is a language secret .

今天,“one way or another”与“by hook or by crook”是同一个意思,是更普通的表达。这里有一个语言秘密。

some people like to use double negatives to express the idea of determination . a double negative happens when there are two negative words in the some


Negative words include no,not,and nothing.strictly speaking,double negatives are not correct grammar。


but we still use them to intensify a statement . for example,you might hear,


there is no way he is not getting that job '。which means.he is definitely getting that job。


Now,let ' 197492 get back to ' by hook or by crook '。it is believed to have appeared in Britain in the late 1300 197492 .

现在让我们回到“By hook or by crook”。人们认为它出现在13世纪末的英国。

no one is sure where exactly it comes from . but some

word experts say the expression is about a problem faced by common people


who would take wood from the forests of the king. The law said they could only take as much as their tools would allow.


And those tools were called a shepherd's crook, a long, rounded stick, and a billhook, a cutting tool. So, if you could collect the wood with your hook and crook, it was yours.


Here is another similar expression: come hell or high water. This means that you will get something done no matter how difficult or no matter what happens.

这里有另一个类似的表达:come hell or high water(无论面对多大的困难)。这意味着无论有多困难,无论发生什么,你都会完成一些事情。

No difficulties or obstacles will stop you. For example, let's say my best friend just moved to Washington, D. C.


She has a great job but is having trouble finding a new apartment. I know the city well.


So, I make it my mission to help her. Come hell or high water I will find her an apartment.


No matter the difficulties, I will do everything in my power to try to make this happen. Experts say this expression comes from overcoming destructive forces of fires or floods.


Some say its first recorded use in the United States was in 1915. But others say it is older.


If you do something "come hell or high water," you are determined to do it. You will do it despite the difficulties involved.

如果你做了什么"come hell or high water",你都会下定决心去做。尽管困难重重,你还是会做到的。

"By hook or by crook" means you will find any method to succeed. "Come hell or high water" means you will find a method to overcome a barrier.

"By hook or by crook"意味着你会找到任何成功的方法。"Come hell or high water"意味着你会找到克服障碍的方法。

We here at VOA Learning English know that our listeners want to learn English very badly. By hook or by crook and come hell or high water… you will!


And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories. Until next time…


I'm Anna Matteo.



