dialogue : helping a foreign visitor


Tour guide : here we are,then,at the great wall。


Visitor : oh,isn't this marvellous!I never thought I ' D actually see the great wall of China . I can ' t wait to actually walk on it .


tour guide : let’197492 go then . when we get to the top of the steps,we can go either left or right . which would you prefer?


visitor : I don ' t know . what do you suggest?


Tour guide : well,if we go to the right,it' 197492 an easier climb,but it' 197492 very crowded,if we go to the left,"


visitor : perhaps we ' D better go to right,I ' m not as young as I used to be and these shoes are very slippery。


tour guide : don ' t worry . I won ' t let you fall . would you like me to take a picture for you?


Visitor : oh,yes . please . this would be a good place I think。



