
浮躁的瞬间轻轻告诉大家“英语逻辑写作”会得到高分,从而伸出智力思考和斗争的“双手”,获得高分的祝福:分享你的英语作文有一种懂得“写单词、写单词”的自豪感。(威廉莎士比亚。温斯顿。)分享你高效地写英语的乐趣。为此,我将业余时间用于几个爱好中的“to devote my spare time into my hobbies”(英语逻辑写作案例)。

I have something interesting to do with me in high spirit at spare time when I have different ways of pursuing my hobbies . they enable me to enjoy rean Ing

In my spare time,some times,I love playing football or basketball,that inspires me to develop physically well . compared with the At weetthese can help me improve in mentality,as well as in my health,together with in my writing English composition in terms of various subjects

Only at weekend,Do I assist my mother either in making the rooms tidy and clean or washing clothes or following her in doing some cooking . from thesh

I devote my spare time into my hobbies to take not as playing computer games,during holiday,but go on a trip down the river in Guilin city;





