In the popular view,originality is a kind of genetic endowment . either You have it or You don ' t have it,You have no hope of learning it。research has demolished this idea . like every other creative skil,Originality can be learned . if you don ' t produce original thoughts,ii在流行的观点中,创造性是天赋的:你有或没有,如果没有,你说你没有希望教它。(约翰f肯尼迪,教育)一些研究已经推翻了这种观点。像其他任何创造性技术一样,创造性是可以学习的。如果你不能产生创造性思维,那只是因为你已经养成了没有创造性的习惯。一项研究表明,如果一个人认识到必须期待创造性,创造性就会被激活。

to achieve originality in your thinking,demand it of your self . remind your self that there is nothing mysterious about originality;it lies just a step or two beyond the common place . don ' t restrict your ideas to those you have heard or thought of before . every time you adds Oblem and对于创造性,也要提醒自己,这并不神秘。(约翰f肯尼迪,创造名言)那只是超出了平时的思维一两步。不要把自己的事故局限在以前听到或想到的事情上。每次处理问题,想找到答案的时候,请多释放一些比以前拥有的更冒险的想法。(约翰f肯尼迪)。


