after the earth quake,the rescuers arrived at the disaster area as soon as possible . after getting there,They carried


D zh n f' sh shng h u,JIYun r n Yu。n j n kuI do d。选择z' I q '。do dASAnASAlh u、t-men x-n s-sh sh-sh-

In a destroyed house,They found a woman . she was dead when the rescuers found her . she was covered in the ruins . through cracks 1 of the They could seet


zI y su _ Hu Hu悌I de fng z \ l \ l,t ' men f ' x n le y gn \ rn . D ng Ji Yu Yu n rn Yu 220n zh o D 22o t sh,t y y y y j ng s \ le。t bI mI zI f岘I xzh-ng。t-tors ng Guu FAE I xan de LiFANG,t-Men k y \ k n do t-de zu h u y c-hNG d-ng。T-gu-z-I d-sh-ng,sh-Shi n TDE Shang duunng qichn Xi-n,Shu-ng sh \ u f-a-aIDI h h n qguI,y?n w I t?sh n t _ ku _ le。

the rescuers were sure that she was dead . they shouted at the ruins again and again,and knocked the bricks using sticks,But no response came Fe;stretched 2 his hands under the woman,feeling and touching,and then he shouted loudly,' there is someone,a baby,still live

救援人员确信她已经死了。他们在废墟上不停地喊叫,用棍子敲砖头,但里面没有任何反应。救援队到达下一栋大楼时,突然领队喊道。“过来。”他来到尸体旁边,双手伸到女人下面,与感觉接触,然后大声呼喊。"有人,一个婴儿,还活着。"" "

Ji浴Yu n r n Yun qux n t y 40 jng s ̄le。t-men y-bi-n y-u y-bi-n d-z-I f-I x-I x-sh-sh-ng d-h \ n-h Ji yizi Ji yun du I d-oT l I

dào shī tǐ páng ,shuāng shǒu shēn dào nǚ rén de xià miàn ,gǎn jiào hé chù pèng ,rán hòu tā gāo shēng hǎn dào :“yǒu rén ,yī gè yīng ér ,hái huó zhe 。”

through some effort, rescuers cleaned up the bricks covering her body. under her body was her baby, who was packed in a small red quilt3 with yellow flowers. he was about 3 or 4 months old. because he was well protected by the mother’s body, he was totally safe. he was sleeping when the rescuers carried him out, and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him. the doctor, along with the rescue team, opened the quilt to check if the baby was all right, and he found there was a mobile phone in the quilt. the doctor looked at the screen. a written message was there, "my dear baby, if you live, don’t forget how much i love you." as a doctor, he has experienced a lot of pain and death, but at that moment, he cried. the mobile phone was passed on to the other people; every person who saw this message shed4 tears.


tōng guò yī xiē nǔ lì ,jiù yuán rén yuán qīng lǐ le fù gài tā de shēn tǐ de zhuān kuài 。zài tā de shēn tǐ xià miàn shì tā de hái zǐ ,tā bèi zhuāng zài yī gè dài huáng sè huā duǒ de hóng sè xiǎo bèi zǐ lǐ 。tā dà yuē 3gè yuè huò 4gè yuè dà 。yīn wéi tā bèi mǔ qīn de shēn tǐ bǎo hù dé hěn hǎo ,suǒ yǐ tā shì wán quán ān quán de 。dāng jiù yuán rén yuán bǎ tā tái chū qù shí ,tā zhèng zài shuì jiào ,tā nà kě ài ér píng jìng de liǎn wēn nuǎn le shēn biān de měi yī gè rén 。yī shēng hé jiù yuán duì yī qǐ dǎ kāi bèi zǐ ,jiǎn chá yīng ér shì fǒu zhèng cháng ,tā fā xiàn bèi zǐ lǐ yǒu yī bù shǒu jī 。yī shēng kàn le kàn píng mù 。yī fēng duǎn xìn xiě dào :“wǒ qīn ài de bǎo bèi ,rú guǒ nǐ huó zhe ,bú yào wàng jì wǒ yǒu duō ài nǐ 。”zuò wéi yī míng yī shēng ,tā jīng lì le hěn duō tòng kǔ hé sǐ wáng ,dàn zài nà yī kè ,tā kū le 。shǒu jī bèi chuán gěi le qí tā rén ,měi gè kàn dào zhè gè xìn xī de rén dōu liú xià le yǎn lèi 。




1.《【地震报道英语作文高中】双语美文用爱情支撑的生命奇迹A True Story in an Earthquake》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【地震报道英语作文高中】双语美文用爱情支撑的生命奇迹A True Story in an Earthquake》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
