





Does the high price make sense?

the picture depicts a plane with a slogan and a man who asks

a question . the slogan with oversea trips hints child will go abroad to

Travel and study.however,in the man' opinion,this activity is


As we know,parents always wish their children to

win the starting line . but I want to ask a question that does it make

sense to send young children abroad at high prices . to be honest,I am

afraid that it is less than helpful and wastemoney . I can understand

parents hope their children have a wonderful life,but they love their

Children in a wrong fashion.there are there factors I am willing to

Share with you as follows。

Above all,children are so young that

they can ' t understand what they see or hear。for children,it's nothing

but change places to play and have a short holiday . the second point is

that the cost of oversea trips is huge . it is not worth the lo the

Otherhand,children who participate in this tour can ' t really learn

about the world ' s top universities because the journey of learning has

gradually become a business show . last but not least,what important is

that their children can develop the habit of active learning rather than

To compare which parents cost more。

I always believe it is parents that are the best teachers for children,so they are supposed to take the lead。


我的view on children ' s overseas trips . as is shown in the

Carton,some kindergartens organize overseas trips for the children . a

man cannot help wondering what ' s the meaning of an overseas trip for a

5-year-old child . the picture vividly demonstrates the great popularity

Of overseas trip in china。parents in an increasing number tend to

offer their children the best education;Thus、more and more children、

including some little kids in kindergartens,are sent abroad to

experience the overseas atmosphere and learn advanced knowledge。

However,it should occur to parents that children may not be mature

enough to understand the underlying meaning of the trip . as a

Consequence,the efforts made by parents are for nothing . in

Conclusion,it is surely of great importance to send students abroad to

Broaden their horizons.however,those students must be mentally mature

enough to truly understand the meaning of the overseas trip



