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At my school,we have held a lot of social practice activities . last month,I went to the science and technology museum with my class mates

the science and technology museum is a wonderful place for young people to leam . I visited the natural world and found something new . it was amame Esi dedes

I was pretty excited and happy at that time . in my opinion it is a good way for us to learn something useful out of the books in museums .


At my school,We had a charity sale last week . the charity sale was held on our school playground last Saturday morning . We prepared many things whitings

community to help children who suffered from the flood .

I ' m proud of what we have done . if every one makes a contribution to the charity,the world will become much better .










英语作文初中生活社团活动相关介绍,例1 最近媒体多次报道,孩子和父母的关系不和谐。有时存在代沟,孩子们普遍存在反抗心理。关于这个问题,学校以“与父母和睦相处”为主题进行了公开募股。作为初中毕业生,你怎么看待这个问题?“How to g...