
Capable、ambitious、responsible、self-confident、persistent、hard working、creative、kind、generous


write at least 60 words on the topic ' I admire my self




(1)根据题目要求,学生要用1 ~ 3个形容词概括自己的优点,并以具体事例说明。






能力:capable-great leadership/organization al skills.

野心:ambitious,aspiring—desire(渴望)to do;Want to be successfully in sth。

责任感:responsible—be responsible for


毅力:persistent—never give up,quit

努力:hard working-endeavor to do/make great efforts

创意:创意-have good imagination or original ideas/never satisfy myself

善良:Kind/Predley-Help Person/Perl who Need Help;Do volunteering jobs for -

慷慨:generous-sharesth . with sb;Take part in charity workRaise books and money for

环保主义者/环保消费者:environmental ist/green consumer-organize an environmental group/movement/activities;Protect natural resources帮助garbage sortingSave energy and reduce emission

诚实:honest-never tell a lie/tell lies;Keep my promiseOpen my Mina to do sthBe faithful to sb。


I admire myself

Four years has passed!I am not the childish girl who I was 4 years ago any more . instead,I am stronger and better . what I admire my self most is my perseverance and

I admire my self for being persistent . one of the greatest challenges in middle school was the PE examination,Which required huge amounts of pracination

I admire my self for being responsible . as a volunteering group leader in my class,I have designed and organized various volunteering activitiesall of these expers

(再次,请注意语声的变化):I admire my self for being persistent and responsible,and that's what made me who I am today。

I admire myself

time goes fast,I ' ve almost four years ' time in my school . with the help of my parents and teachers,I've become warm-he

(示例)Once,我的best friend ask me questions about study and I answered it patiently . I helped her solve the problem and also made myself more fameinstead of Tom I let my parents know my bad grade and tried my best to find my mistakes in maths . after working hard for several days,I successfully

Through this experience,I admire my self for being honest . although nobody is perfect,we still need to keep our ar

I admire myself

Timeflies,four-year-time school life has changed me a lot . now I admire my self for being responsible and optimistic。(标题

(示例1,使用过去时态)I used to be the monitor of class . when my teachers were busy doing something,I would help them take charge of my class . I oftets

I always have a good attitude to study and life . since four years ' school life,I have faced much difficulty . I always smile and overcome them im

I admire my respons ibility and optimism . and this is who I am today。


