



it is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon rain forest . without it we worestor we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four legs in search of meat . without competition,Columbus

The friendship,like all relationships between two people,involvescompetition . it isn ' t competition in a traditional sense because the friendship

As in nature,high school life is governed by a set of laws,similar to a shortened version of Darwin ' s theory of evolution,over popution causing it to fall apart . college admission is the final high school objective . four years of hard work is to achieve good grades,And a student '

Nevertheless,by necessity,Competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life . it sets and improves the standards in ene

becomes too fierce, jealousy (妒忌) can tear friendship apart. Yet, despite all this, without competition, we would be lost.

4.What does the ecological definition mainly explain?

A.How friends compete with each other.

B.How to win the competition.

C.What the result of competition is.

D.What competition exactly is.

5.According to the author, what causes the high school students to compete?

A.The number of them is too large.

B.Friendship is a burden for them.

C.They know the laws of nature well.

D.They are divided into different groups.

6.Which best describes the relationship of friendship and competition?

A.Friendship is always based on competition.

B.The degree of competition is vital to friendship.

C.Competition is terribly harmful to friendship.

D.Competition is a result of lost friendship.

7.What does the author think of “competition”?

A.The results of competition are out of control.

B.Competition becomes fiercer in high school.

C.Competition is certain to happen in high school.

D.Friendship is not as important as competition in high schools.

正确答案:4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C


第一步:略读法Skimming:通过略读,第一段首句引出了语篇的主题:It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon rain forest. 无论在美国还是在亚马逊的热带丛林,在人类生活中的方方面面,竞争无处不在。因此,语篇很重要的一个关键词就是competition。

第二段首句把“竞争competition”的话题引到人类之间的关系friendship:The friendship, like all relationships between two people, involves competition. 人类之间的友谊同样存在竞争的问题。Perhaps the ecological definition — the simultaneous (同时的) demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light — better explains it.当两个或多个生物体,因共同的需要,争夺像营养、生存空间、光照等有限的环境资源的情况下,就出现了竞争,生态学的定义就更好的解释了这一点,it指的就是competition。

第三段首句把“竞争competition”的话题引到了高中学校内的学生之间:As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution, overpopulation,and competition. 正如同在大自然中一样,高中的生活也有既定的规则,这和达尔文的进化论、人口过剩论、和竞争论是相似的。

最后一段首句:Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life. 因此,高中学生之间处处都存在竞争。


4.What does the ecological definition mainly explain?

解析:此题是细节理解题。通过关键词ecological definition定位法,第二段最后一句出现了ecological definition,该句的主干是Perhaps the ecological definition better explains it,其中“it”指代的是前一句中的“competition”,故正确答案选D项(What competition exactly is.)。

5.According to the author, what causes the high school students to compete?

解析:此题是细节理解题。在第一篇略读的基础上可知,涉及到“高中生竞争”信息在第三段内容,因此直接在第三段查读(scanning)。首句中(As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution, overpopulation,and competition.) ,高中生活与自然界一样有一系列的规则,这与达尔文关于进化、人口过多和竞争的理论相似。紧接着(There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them),abundance大量、众多,也正是因为学生人数众多,为了区分,所以对学生进行了排名、分类。College admission is the final high school objective. 再加上考大学这一高中生活的最终目标的压力,高中生之间的竞争就不可避免地产生了。故选A项The number of them is too large.学生人数太庞大。

6.Which best describes the relationship of friendship and competition?

解析:此题是推理判断题。通过第一遍略读,“the relationship of friendship and competition友谊和竞争的关系”在最后一段中有阐述:“Healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy (妒忌) can tear friendship apart.”可知,健康的、友好的竞争对友谊有好处,而过于激烈的、存在妒忌的竞争会使友谊破裂。因此竞争的度对友谊是至关重要的。故选B项The degree of competition is vital to friendship。

7.What does the author think of “competition”?

解析:此题是观点态度题。在第一遍略读的基础上,带着题目再次查读,第三段中阐述了,高中生的竞争就像大自然的竞争法则一样。四年的高中生涯都是为了最后能升入大学的目标,由于学生人数众多,必然要将学生进行分类和排名。有时候,友谊在竞争面前很脆弱。以及最后一段第一句“Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life.”可知,作者认为高中生活的各个方面存在竞争是必然的。故选C项Competition is certain to happen in high school。


长难句分析:It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon rain forest.

句型结构:It is quite apparent that...... 这非常明显,.......

从句:whether in the United States or the Amazon rain forest. 无论......还是......

长难句分析:Without it we would not have grown into primates (灵长目动物).

虚拟语气:without it ...would not have... 如果没有竞争......就不会......


