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Now,it may be difficult to predict the future,but many people believe that we will live on mars by the year 2100 . our own planet,earts Is

First of all,transport should be much better . at present,humans need to spend months going to mars by Space ship . however,by 20 Space showever

Secondly,humans need food,Water and air to live . scientists should develop plants that can be grown on mars . these plants will prood Water ater

there is also a problem for us to live on mars . mars attracts us much less than the earth does . this will be dangerous bec ause we could easily jume O high analy

In some ways,Life on mars may not be better than that on the earth today . food will not be the same-meals will probably be in the form of pills and

()61。according to the passage,by the year 2100,we will possibly live _ _ _ _ _ _ _。

A.on mars b . on the moon . c . in the space ship . d . in the sea。

()62.sofar,how long does it take us from the earth to mars by space ship?

A.two or three days . b . a few days . c . a few months . d . a few years .

()63。according to the passage,which of the following is wrong?

A.a special plant which can produce water,air and food should be needed on mars

B.we may go to mars when transport is much better and faster .

C.we can jump higher on mars than on the earth .

D.food on mars will be much better to eat .

()64。which looks like life on mars according to the passage?

A.we can wear the shoes that we like to wear . b . we can drink easily and conveniently .

C.we can walk faster than on the earth . d . we can boil food to eat。

()65。Why do we want to live on Mars?

A.life on mars is more interesting than that on the earth。

B.the earth is becoming dirty and crowded .

C.the journey to mars is very interesting . d . the scientists want us to do that .








【对未来事物的看法英语作文初中】慈爱版英语第八名作文——Life  in  the  future

【对未来事物的看法英语作文初中】慈爱版英语第八名作文——Life in the future

对未来事物的看法英语作文初中相关介绍,Life in the future life in the future will be different from life today . scientists will make compu...