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【初中英语里的动物人物作文】Unit 2 Our animal friends(牛津上海版7年级第一学期)

write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic " dogs are our favourite anina ls "

dogs are men ' s best friends . they give us a lot of help . in ancient times,they helped men hunt animals and kept their caves safe;dogs help policemen to catch thieves And find lost people . what ' s more,Some dogs can even help blind men . they show them the way And do a lot of thie

How to look after a dog you've found

Dietspecial food for dogs

always give him/her fresh food and water

how to look after him/her wash him/her with dog soap

Give him/her a chew toy

give him/her a couch with towels to sleep in

Use an old bowl to put food or water in

exercise takehim/her to walk twice a day

Play with him/her sometimes

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