
I was The type of girl who grew up cloaked in fairy tales And drifting between happily ever afters . I often played dress-up,And without fail chose


I was the type of girl who fantasized about her one true love and what type of life we would lead . I would day dream through car rides,train rides Bus ridesI ' d wonder what he ' d see in me . I ' d scribble all of my little loving dreams in my diary . I ' d imagine until the moon took me under


I am the type of girl who doesn ' t know how not to feel . I feel so much that emotions spill from me . people have always questioned it and tried E my ways


I am the type of girl who tends to get her heart broken . I incline to trust,I lean towards risk,And I lead with the heart on my sleeve . it hasn ' tit has taught me how much of my self I will give for another,and the parts I keep for myself。


I am the type of girl who is full of contradictions,can never live in just one moment,laughs too hard,cries too loud,And loves harderyet my faith remains as steady as the ocean tide,just waiting to get crashed into。


I am the type of girl who grew up on fairy tales,and I am unbending ly proud to admit that I have never given up on my own . so May we all learn to see the Mayand may we all find the happily ever after that is so much better than what we read it would be .


may we all remember what it ' s like to just innocently dream .



