
(感谢尊敬劳动、respect labor和welcome appreciation reward)


1.every tragedy makes heroes of common Stephens,美国写入程序


Makes heroes of.成为英雄

That hope、that belief和is what makes a hero out of any man。这种希望谁都可以成为英雄。

A hero bored of life,who makes bad choices and ends alone。讨厌人生的主人公做出错误的选择,孤独终老。

the rocket scientist is a different kind of hero . he or she makes space travel possible。火箭科学家是另一种类型的英雄。他们(她)使太空旅行成为可能。

the rocket scientist is a different kind of hero . he or she makes space travel possible。火箭科学家是另一个英雄。他们使太空旅行成为可能。Www。

至want for will只需要意志力

2.he who allows himself to be insulted,deserves to be.- f.c.com Ford,British writer自己愿意受侮辱的人,即使受到侮辱也很便宜。-英国作家科福特f.c。

Deserve [d' zv] VI。应该的,应该的vt。应该的,应该的

They deserve their success。他们的成功是理所当然的。

She deserved a longer jail sentence。她要判处更长的刑期。

To deserve to do sth.

He deserves to win。他要胜利。

He deserved to die。他必须死。

To deserve whatever you get罪有应得。便宜

He deserves whatever he gets。他罪有应得。

To get what you deserve罪有应得。活该,得到应有的回报

one of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved。他们中的一个说,开着偷来的车去兜风的两个人必须死。

but you don ' t always get what you deserve。但是人们并不总是得到应有的补偿。

do not give up the purpose that you resolved to effect

3.do not、for one repulse、give up the purpose that you resolved to e Shakespeare、British dramatist


Repulse vt。拒绝驱逐仇恨n .拒绝击退

the armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks。军队准备击退任何进攻。

He was repulsed by what he saw。眼前的场面使他厌恶。

resolve[R1 ' zv]vt。决定;决定。融化分解。决心做。六。分解解决决心;名词。坚决。决定要做的事

Resolve to do决心要做。

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife,but some times tests her strength and her resolve to stand beside him。我给了她智慧

we must be firm in our resolve to oppose them。我们要下定决心反对他们。

Her resolve was weakening。她的决心开始动摇了。

many cases resolve without treatment。很多患者没有接受治疗就痊愈了。

I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy。我能帮助人们摆脱耗费精力的矛盾心理。

from that moment onwards he never faltered in his resolve。从那一刻起,他的决心从未动摇。

ew things are impossible in themselves。如果你对自己有信心,几乎没有什么事是完全做不到的。

4.few things are impossible in themselves;And it is often for want of will,rather than of means,that man fails to succeed . —— la rocheforcauld,French writer


缺少For want of固定语法

缺少To want for sth

To want in on sth想参与一些事情。我想加入某个团体

They wanted for nothing。他们什么都不缺。

因为缺乏For want of will的意志力。


