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animal migrations track climate change


climate change is altering the migration routes of animals world wide . here ' s a look at new research on how two species have been affected .


First,muledeer.every spring in Wyoming,Vegetation first appears at lower altitudes before progressing up the mountainside . migrating


for her ph . d . research at the university of Wyoming,Ellen aikens tracked mule deer as they surfed the green wave .

Ellen Aikens在美国怀俄明大学从事博士研究,跟踪长鹿在绿波中游泳的情况。

“The green-up lasted across The landscape for about half as long in Drought years,in comparison to wet years.and also,The order of grought years”


and although the deer were able to keep up with the faster green wave,the nutritional value was lower-leaving the animals less prepared for tth


Meanwhile in Europe,The population of be wick ' s swans that spend The winter in The United kingdom and The Netherlands is declining . but when REE


“what we think is that the swans like to spend time in areas where it ' s five degrees celsius . and this iso therm has shifted in the same rate as NSS hiffed


rascha nuijten of the Netherlands institute of ecology . her team also found that the swans were spending less time in their winter homes before flow

荷兰生态研究所的Rascha Nuijten表示,他的团队还发现,在返回俄罗斯苔原繁殖之前,天鹅在冬季地区停留的时间很短。

neither the mule deer nor the be wick ' s swan is endangered,but the findings have broader importance for our understanding of the conservation


" if you start thinking of protecting a certain plot of land,It ' s Not just the current situation that is there . nature is dynamic . and the SPECT








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