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Peter : so you really want to start your own business after you finish school?

akin yi : absolutely . I want to have my own startup .

lee : I ' m impressed . it seems like a difficult undertaking。

akin yi : of course it will be hard . but I ' m not afraid of hard work or failure。

Peter : what do you need to do to create a startup?

akin yi : first I ' d like think of a new way to solve a problem . I want my business to help the world in some way . then,if there is a problem

lee : that happens a lot in the field of environmental engineering . people create a prototype and then make lots of iterations . the protoos

akin yi : exactly . that takes time and a lot of patience . another important aspect of a startup is funding . I ' d have to find some www Ny,possision

Peter : you ' ve thought about this a lot . and you seem like a natural entrepreneur,so I'm sure you'll be successful .


A startup通常是指勘探中专注于发展的初创企业

An undertaking:困难或有重量的使命或项目





An angel investor:为初创企业提供资金的天使投资者

A launch:推出新产品或开始/开设新企业。

An entrepreneur:是一位企业家,准备创办企业并为成功而冒险



“日常会话”由美国国务院教育文化局英语语言计划高级项目负责人海蒂豪兰(Heidi Howland)主持。

six students from around the world meet . what do they have in common?they are all exchange students studying at a u . s . university for a semester . throughout the semester、they learn more English和Learn about

In this conversation,one student(akin yi)discusses how to start a new business with her friends,leeandpeter。

Now let’s review the vocabulary.

a startup is a company working to solve a problem that may not have a clear solution;It is a new business。

an under taking is a difficult or important task or project。

a product is something that is made or grown to be sold,usually in large quantities。

prototype : the first design of something,such as a product . from the prototype,other forms of the product are developed。

iteration is the process of repeating something over and over,in order to improve it。

funding is money to be used for a specific purpose,such as starting a business .

an angel investor is a person who provides money for startups .

a launch is the event when something new,such as a new product or new business,is first offered or announced .

an entre preneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money。

Ready to learn more English?Our materialscan help。

the American English website offers a variety of free resources for learners and teachers of English . theamerican English Facebook page posts lish

every day conversations are developed by the state department ' s Heidi how land,a senior program officer in the office of English language panguage










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