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【小王子英语作文初中六年级】一起读名著《THE LITTLE PRINCE》 010-30008


Antoine de Saint-exupe \ ry


I soon learned more about the flower . flowers were simple things on the little prince ' s planet and took up very little room . they only had G of petals as gave birth to a new type of shoot and The little prince watched over it very clo if it was some new kind of But The shrub soon stopped growing,and began and these secret preparations lasted for many days . then at sunrise one morning,showed yawned and said 3360 ' I am barely awake.‘我的petals are such a mess。’but the little prince was full of admiration : ' oh!How beautiful you are!`

很快我就更了解这朵花了。在小王子的星球上,过去生长着只有一层花瓣的非常简单的花。(威廉莎士比亚、“小王子”、“小王子”、“小王子”、“小王子”、“女人”)这些花很小,一点都不占地方,谁也不打扰。他们早上在草丛里开门,晚上枯萎了。不知从哪里来了一颗种子,突然有一天这种种子发芽了。小王子特别仔细地监视着这棵与众不同的树苗。这个玩具可能是新的猴面包树。(威廉莎士比亚、哈姆雷特、小王子、小王子、小王子、小王子、小王子)但是,这棵树苗不久就不再生长,开始生出一朵花来。小王子看到这个幼苗上长着很大的花蕾,就觉得这个花蕾里会出现奇迹。(威廉莎士比亚,小王子,小王子,小王子,小王子,小王子,小王子,小王子)但是这朵花了很长时间躲在那个球场的房间里打扮自己。她仔细地选择了她未来的颜色,慢慢地装饰,花瓣的碎片,她不想要像俞美人一样出生的脸上皱纹。她想让自己带着耀眼的美丽姿态来到世界上。是的,她很可爱。她化了很多天像神仙一样的妆。然后有一天早上,正当太阳升起的时候,她开放了。她已经做了那么长时间的准备工作,但打着哈欠说。“我刚睡醒。我真的很抱歉。看我的头发还乱着呢。”"小王子再也无法控制自己爱慕的心情了。"“你多漂亮啊!”" "

Am I not?' The flower responded sweetly . 'and I was born along with the sun。'


the little prince could tell that she wasn ' t exactly humble . but she was just so wonderful!


Is it not time for breakfast?' She asked a moment la ter . 'if you would kindly think of my needs.feel

ing embarrassed, the little prince went to look for a sprinkling can and gave her some fresh, cool water.


Very soon, she began to trouble him with her rather thorny pride. For instance, while speaking of her four thorns, she said to the little prince: 'Let the tigers show their claws!'


'We have no tigers on this planet,' the little prince pointed out. 'And,anyway, tigers do not eat weeds.'


'I am not a weed,' was the flower's gentle reply.'I'm sorry.''I am not at all afraid of tigers,' she went on, 'but I am horrified of gales.Would you have a screen for me?''Horrified of gales! That's not good luck for a plant, ' the little prince thought to himself. ' This flower is a complicated creature.''You need to place me under a dome at night. This planet is cold. Where I come from …'She stopped mid-sentence. She had come from a seed and could not have known about any other world. Embarrassed that her little lie had been exposed, she coughed a few times, to make the little prince feel bad for her. 'What happened to the screen?'


'I was going to look for it but you were still speaking to me!'Then she forced another cough, so as to make him feel , even though the little prince loved her and would do anything for her,he was now wary of her. Her harsh words had upset him and he felt miserable.


'I shouldn't have paid any heed to her words,' he confided to me. 'You mustn't listen to flowers. You should simply admire them and enjoy their fragrance. My flower sweetened my planet with her scent, but I could find no pleasure in it. Her chatter about the claws, that so irritated me, should have made me feel bad for her instead.'


He continued: 'I made a mistake! I should have judged her by her deed sand not by her words. She filled my world with light and her perfume. I should not have run away. I should have noticed that she cared underneath all her games. Flowers are incomprehensible! Or maybe I wasn't old enough to know how to love her.'


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【小王子英语作文初中六年级】一起读名著《THE  LITTLE  PRINCE》 010-30006

【小王子英语作文初中六年级】一起读名著《THE LITTLE PRINCE》 010-30006

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