
1.给某人建议give sb。some advice (on)

2.下一个as follows

3.做某事时遇到困难。have difficulty/trouble in doing sth。

4.使用make use of

5.向某人征求意见ask sb。for advice

6.规划make a plan


8.参加take part in/participate in

9.听从某人的建议follow one's advice

10.已改进get improved

11.好多了。change for the better

12.我认为in my opinion/in my view/from my point of view

13.高丽.takesth . into account/consideration

14.我建议.I would like to suggest that…/I would like to make a re commendation that…/I am writing to advise

You of./if I were you、I would./may I suggest that./I would like to put forward the suggestion that.


1.我已经收到你的信,认识你了。I have received your letter saying that you.


you have asked me for my advice with regard to.and I will try to make some constructive suggestions .

3.如果可以的话.我想会有帮助的。I feel that it would be beneficial if.

我希望这些建议对你有帮助。I hope you will find these suggestion s help ful/useful。


I trust you ' ll take my suggestion into account。/I trust you ' ll take good consideration of my suggestion .

6.如果能看到的话.我会很高兴的。I would be more than happy to see……。






注:1 .字数100左右;2.为了使措辞一致,可以适当地添加细节。

Dear all,

我的名字是is Li Hua,a former graduate . hearing that you will enter senior three soon,I'd like to offer some advice。

As you can imagine,life in senior three is busy with tons of work in different subjects . besides,exam expectations from parents and team

However,wise time management and help from others will reduce much pressure . for example,Some mild exercise after class can not only relearemoreover。You can always turn to your friends,teachers or parents when feeling upset or depressed .

Good luck to you!




