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1.there is an activity about Chinese traditional operas at 2:00 p . m .

2.before entering the park,there are some specific details we must know first。

3.How is going?it ' s time for me to leave school . you ask me what I can do for my school . here are my plans that I would like to share with you。

4.summer vacation is coming . I plan to do more reading . I am going to read more classics and more English books to improve my languages skit

5.上海is a beautiful city full of culture and history。

6.the international day of charity is coming . many people will do something for it . what should I do?Here are my ideas .


1.we are going to have some meaning ful activities . to express thanks to our teachers,we each should say thankful words to our dear teachers

2.before you arrive,we will prepare a clean and bright room for you。

3.to begin with,we need to be clear about the location of the facilities .

4.First of all,I will volunter to do some cleaning with my class mates,such as cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor。to keep We will ask our schoolmates not to litter at school。

5.then,we ' ll invite you to our class and talk about school life .

6.once,our community held an old things fair to raise money for the homeless people .


1.in a word,I ' m sure you will enjoy your self here。

2.it ' s a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture . come and join us!I think we'll have a great time。

3.it ' s really hard for me to say good bye . I wish my school to have a better future .

4.I hope all of our younger schoolmates can live and study happily in our school .

5.if possible,you may watch Han show . hope you ' ll have fun here。

6.in a word,it ' s help ful for our society to do some charity . many hands make light work . take actions now to make our society mord



The Plan of the Farewell Party

My dear teachers and classmates,

our class is going to have a farewell party in our cla,we will talkabout“what are you going to be when you grow up?”.afterthat,we will discuss how to spend our summer holidays .

From 10:00至10336055、we plan to sing、dance、perform magic tricks、It ' s time for us to take photos together and give tell

I wish you all have a wonderful time .


My Life in 20 Years

I ' m always working hard for a bright future . I imagine what my life in 20 years will be like .

In 20 years,I will play an important role in my family . I will take care of my parents . maybe I will be married and have a lovely child . in my free time

In a word,I hope my life in 20 years will be better。










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