when jean-Philippe Michel、a career coach、works with secondary school students、He doesn 't use the word陈菲利普米歇尔职业教练为中学生提供咨询服务时,他不使用“职业”一词。他也不会把重点放在准确把握自己的小客户长大后想扮演的角色上,至少不会亲自这么做。

rather than encouraging each person to choose a profession,say,architect or engineer,He works backwards from the skills that each stath相反,他以每个学生想要的技能为基础提出建议,他的目的是让学生们谈论目标。

Michel says deciding the skills you want to use leads to a career that ' s more targeted-and thus more likely to bring you satisfaction . Michel说

“they need to shift from thinking about jobs and careers to think about challenges and problems,”Michel says

The purpose,above all,is to prepare the next generation for a career in the future,Which for many will be made up of numerous micro-最重要的目的是为下一代未来的职业做准备。对很多人来说,他们的职业不会从属于一个老板,而是由很多针对高薪技术工人的微职业组成。他说。

Ultimately,Developing precise goals helps teenagers plan for a ' portfolio career '。this type of career is made up of somewhat disparate projects or rrer L be more prevalent in the next decade,says Michel。最后,制定正确的目标,帮助青少年规划“组合职业”。米歇尔说,这份工作由几个不同的项目或角色组成,在未来10年将更加普遍。

“instead of identifying your job role or description,you[will be]constantly adding skills based on what is going to make you more emmore

more traditional companies are catching on and offering freelance-like project opportunities to their own employees . instead of continuus TMMwhich can mean working in a different part of the company。更多传统企业了解这一趋势,并为自己的员工提供类似自由职业者的项目机会。员工们被鼓励根据个人的技能或他们想掌握的技能来选择下一个项目,而不是继续保持在单个负责人领导下的下一个部门。这可能意味着在这家公司的不同部门工作。(莎士比亚)。

For companies,The pay off for experimenting with internal project-based opportunities means workers are likely to jump from one company tocan inspire a sense of entrepreneur ial spirit and autonomy within a company,which in turn might keep us from jo B- hopping to the competition微操作可以在一家公司内激发创业精神和自主性,相应地可以防止我们跳槽到竞争对手。

but when it comes to forging a long-term career、there are drawbacks to creating a portfolio of work和say experts。但是,当谈到在长期职业生涯中稳步前进时,

if you constantly hop from one project to The next,The change can be jarring and leave you without a clear path to success . with fewer promotions anans“米歇尔普罗教练说。

And、of course、even though some companies are experimenting、Steering past a traditional mentality on what constitutes professional当然,一些公司正在尝试,但要想摆脱职业发展的传统思维方式,需要很多年的时间

“the biggest barrier to adapting”、“says meister”、“is mindset”、“改变的最大障碍是思维方式。”麦斯特说。







