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【英语施舍作文素材初中】[英语故事]流浪者与DIA HOMELESS-MAN-RING

Billy ray Harris was a homeless man in Kansas city just six months ago.then everything changed。every day,he'd hold out his cup,Asking for money.one day,a woman named Sarah darling changed his life . she passed by,and while ghileeven though he got it appraised to be worth over $ 4,000.he didn't sell it.that


6 months ago,Billy ray Harris was living on the streets .

Then,he found this woman ' s expensive engagement ring .

instead of pawn ing the ring and getting money,he sought out its owner and returned it .

Because of his generosity,the couple decided to help him get back on his feet。


He found Sarah and gave it back to her . now,He is no longer homeless . his good deed for a stranger led to something unbelievable . Sarah and her HUS bable

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