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【重阳节初中英语作文】九九重阳节The Double Ninth Festival

The chong yang festival,also known as the double ninth festival,Falls on October 25th in the Gregorian calendar this year . it is a tradition

According to the yi Jing (I ching),or the book of changes,

the number ' 6 ' was thought to be a yin character,meaning feminine or negative,while the number ' 9 ' was thought to be yang

Therefore,The double ninth is called chong yang . chong(Chinese character重量)Means' double .)the pronunciation of the number ' 9 ' is the same as the pronunciation of the Chinese character ' all ',Which symbolises ' forevevesdouble ninth(the ninth day of the ninth month)is pronounced the same as‘长时间’。Hence,The number nine in both month and day creates The double ninth festival . Chinese ancestors considered The festival an auspicious day worts

It is customary to climb mountains,drink chrysanthemum liquor,And wear the Zhuyu(算术)plant(Cornus Officinalis)To cees

P.S .我的时间是9月初9点前。现在发表还不晚[捂脸] [捂脸]


Traditional [TRDNL]传统、习俗、惯例

祝贺Observe [bzv] (formal),祝贺

Gregorian calendar[\ r _ rin klnd(r)]正力,正力

Feminine [femnn]女性特有的女性

ne TV:消极的,消极的

Masculine [mskjln]男性

Positive [pztv] adj .积极、自信、积极

Auspicious [SPs] adj .吉利,吉祥

Customary [kstmri]习惯、习惯

赤眼蜂[krzn mm]菊花

利奎语[lk (r)]葡萄酒


Cleanse [Klenz] V .清洁、清洁、净化

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